"Religious opposition to e-cigs and nicotine pouches"

What is happening in a country where cannabis is allowed to flow freely, but all alternatives to cigarettes are seen as the devil's invention? Vejpkollen spoke to Rob de Lange and nicotine pouch inventor Karl Fagerström.

Research: "Flavor bans led to increased cigarette sales"

Banning flavorings in e-cigarettes increased sales of traditional cigarettes. This is according to a new US study. "There are many indications that more young people started buying cigarettes instead of e-cigarettes," says economist Michael Pesko.

Study: Nicotine warnings deter smokers from quitting

STUDY. Nicotine and addiction warnings on e-cigarettes are likely to lead to fewer quit attempts. This is according to a UK study in which smokers and non-smokers reacted to alternative messages on e-cigarette packaging.

Swedish scientist: "WHO plans risk increasing smoking"

Nicotine pouches, e-cigarettes and snus should be regulated as strictly as cigarettes. This is according to the WHO Secretariat for Tobacco Control. "There is a high risk that overly stringent restrictions on harm-reducing products will lead to more smokers, rather than...

Rumors of ban on disposable models shake the UK

A debate on disposable vapes has flared up in the UK, the promised land of e-cigarettes. Youth use is on the rise and environmental concerns are taking center stage. At the same time, health and addiction experts warn of the consequences of an ill-considered ban.