Several new initiatives to recycle single-use models

Collection boxes and free postal parcels directly to the recycling center. These are some of the UK vejp companies' initiatives to increase the recycling of disposable cigarettes. But in Sweden, too, intensive efforts are underway to make vejpningen...

How EU tax on e-juice could affect Sweden

The European Commission is likely to propose an EU-wide tax on e-liquids before the end of the year. "This could also have consequences in Sweden, even though we already have the tax that the EU is likely...

Cracking down on illegal sales to young people

The UK government is investing £3 million to reduce the illegal sale of e-cigarettes to minors. This follows Health Minister Neil O'Brien's finding that more and more young people are getting their hands on disposable...

Authority tried to stop conference on harm reduction

Spanish authorities have stopped a conference on harm reduction that was to take place at the University of Madrid. After pressure from the authorities, the university decided to cancel the event. "It's about censorship"