NNA Sweden

The Swedish Vejpare Association is an initiative for e-cigarette users in Sweden - a project that is now part of the New Nicotine Alliance Sweden (NNA Sweden). We fight for the nearly 150,000 Swedes who have switched from smoking tobacco to e-cigarettes to have a strong and sustainable voice in Sweden. This also applies to those who use snuff and nicotine pouches. Vaping, snus and other forms of smokeless nicotine can reduce the risks of cancer, KOL and cardiovascular disease for a smoker by almost 95%. These are the facts, based on independent studies and almost 10 years of continuous research. In short:

E-cigarettes save lives!

We consider it a human right that e-cigarettes are available on the market, for smokers and ex-smokers who use vejpning to keep cigarettes away. This applies to all aspects of the technology: from flavors to electronics. We are working to ensure that all political decisions concerning e-cigarettes and e-liquid should be balanced on the basis of harm - not moralism. That's why we are also working to ensure that our legislators get an updated one, evidence-based approach to harm reduction in the fight against smoking-related harm. This must be the basis of a sustainable health policy for smokers and e-cigarette users.


Why you should become a member NOW!

If you are an e-cigarette user and share our views, you can apply for membership of NNA Sweden below. Membership is free and assumes that you share and support the association's vision and activities. For those who want to get more involved and have the right to vote at annual meetings and the like, you can become an active member for SEK 100 / year.

Follow the link here: NNA SWEDEN membership form


An email with the title: Member of NNA Sweden
Fsv member
First and last name, address and contact details (phone or email)
Write if you want to be active member (SEK 100/year) or supporting member (free)

NOTE: Right now we are collecting as many members as possible. We who are behind the project are Stefan Mathisson (editor-in-chief of Vejpkollen) and Karl-Åke Johansson (YouTube creator and vejp user). Contact stefan[at]vejpkollen.se for more information about the work with the association and how the fees will be handled.

Recruit more Weavers!

FSV is open to anyone who wants to contribute to the debate on e-cigarettes and at the same time spread information about vejpning to smokers in Sweden. To spread the word, we have a simple strategy:
WE SHALL BE SEEN where vejpare is located.
In vejpshops and in places where e-cigarettes are on sale. Businesses may, with our full gratitude and permission, use our banners, posters and billboards on their websites and in their shops.

Use the material in newsletters, on your social media and encourage your customers to become members!

Do you have any questions?
Don't hesitate to get in touch!


Stop the taste ban sign in store