News and debate on nicotine, e-cigs and snus

Warning: "EU wants to ban white snus - also in Sweden"

EU health bureaucrats want to ban white snus, i.e. nicotine imports, in all EU countries, including Sweden. This is according to Charlie Weimers, Member of the European Parliament, after reading a leaked report commissioned by the European Commission...

Rumors of ban on disposable models shake the UK

A debate on disposable vapes has flared up in the UK, the promised land of e-cigarettes. Youth use is on the rise and environmental concerns are taking center stage. At the same time, health and addiction experts warn of the consequences of an ill-considered ban.

UK: Large e-juice factory destroyed by fire

Vape and e-juice manufacturer Dinner Ladys' factory in Blackburn has burned down. Although the fire filled the town with black smoke, no one was injured. However, the factory was completely destroyed.