Ahead of the EU elections: "Moderates will fight for white snus in the EU"

The future of nicotine pouches will be an election issue for the Moderates in the upcoming European Parliament elections. 
"Above all, we see three major battles: a total ban, over-regulation with a taste ban and a tax shock. The Moderates will work hard to counteract this." says the party's top candidate Tomas Tobé in a press release.

The run-up to the European Parliament elections has begun and more and more parties have presented their election manifestos over the weeks. Last week it was the turn of the Moderates, and it became clear that white snuff, along with expanded nuclear power and more free trade, is high on the agenda when the party goes to the polls. The party's top candidate Tobias Tobé believes that the planned revision of the EU tobacco directive could have a major impact on the availability of nicotine pouches.

"Leaks ahead of the upcoming review of EU tobacco and nicotine policy show that white snus is under threat. Banning or over-regulating white snus is counterproductive, as alternative ways of consuming nicotine are important to reduce smoking rates. For example, Sweden has the lowest smoking rate and tobacco-related mortality rate in the EU." write the moderates.

New rules could come this spring

Vejpkollen has previously reported if the current EU Commission plans to regulate nicotine pouches to the same standard as regular snus. This is likely to happen in the context of a new tobacco directive will be developed during the year. In the worst case scenario, the products would become illegal throughout the EU, while another scenario would see strict taste bans, high taxes and a total marketing ban. At the time of writing, no concrete proposals have been made official, although many political representatives have warned that this could come already in spring.

"Unfortunately, we see the EU constantly targeting snus. Now white snus seems to be in the firing line. This is bad for Sweden and it is bad for public health across Europe. A total ban on white snus, for example, would therefore be counterproductive." says Tomas Tobé.

"White snus is an opportunity"

Instead, Tomas Tobé and the Moderates want the EU to lift the ban on the sale of traditional snus within its borders. This would not only reduce smoking in Europe, which currently stands at almost 25% compared to 6% in Sweden, but also benefit Swedish companies, according to the Moderates.

"White snus offers opportunities for Sweden, for exports, jobs and growth. If at the same time it means that we also export something that can reduce tobacco-related mortality in Europe, that is something very positive," says Tomas Tobé.

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