EU elections: "The government doesn't understand how important the nicotine issue really is"

The issue of nicotine and harm reduction could become an important election issue in the upcoming European Parliament elections. This is according to Tobias Andersson (SD), chair of the Committee on Nutrition.
"But I don't feel that the government has really understood the importance of this issue, either at home or down in Brussels." says Tobias Andersson.

The debate on nicotine pouches and other alternative nicotine products has gained momentum ahead of upcoming negotiations on a new and revised tobacco directive within the European Union. Swedish organizations and politicians are also getting involved in the issues. Some want the EU to ban all commercial nicotine altogether. Government-backed Non Smoking Generation have, for example, launched campaigns to ensure that anyone born after a certain year never ever be allowed to buy nicotine products. Others, mainly more liberal interest groups and politicians, want EU allows more smoke-free nicotine products instead to help more EU citizens find ways to quit smoking.

Swedish companies affected

In the Swedish Parliament nicotine issues were recently debated from a public health perspective. At the same time, there are other aspects to the issue of nicotine and the products that are actually on the market. Swedish companies, which produce a large proportion of the smokeless nicotine products sold in Sweden but also in various EU countries, will be in the to be greatly affected of upcoming legislation.

"Sweden has a long history of both snus production and consumption, and we should be proud of the nicotine pouches that Swedish-linked companies create and sell. Any attack on nicotine pouches would be unfortunate for both public health and the companies involved." says Tobias Andersson (sd) to Vejpkollen.

"Harm reduction should be protected"

Tobias Andersson is chairman of the Nutrition Committee and has on several occasions raised the issue of harm reduction and smoke-free nicotine in Parliament. And he is critical of how the current government is acting within the EU.

"The Sweden Democrats have long recognized that Swedish snus has contributed to our public health and led to Sweden having the lowest tobacco-related mortality in the entire EU. Today, there are significantly more nicotine products that lack the harmful effects of cigarettes, which is why the principle of "harm reduction" should be safeguarded to a greater extent by the government." says Tobias Andersson to Vejpkollen.

How do you think the current government is handling the issue of Swedish smoke-free nicotine products in relation to the EU? How would you like them to act?

"In connection with the ANDTS strategy, the Riksdag has established that harm minimization should be the guiding principle. Against this background and for the sake of public health, the government should clearly stand up for both the classic Swedish snus and other smoke-free nicotine products."

Do you think this issue is taken seriously enough by government representatives in the EU?

"No, you probably can't say that anyway. It could be one of the big issues in the EP election campaign and I don't feel that the government has understood the importance of the issue either at home or in Brussels." says Tobias Andersson.

Ahead of the 2024 European Parliament elections

Road collectorn will continuously monitor the road to the upcoming parliamentary elections in the EU, which will take place on June 6-9, 2024. Of course, the monitoring is done from a user perspective and focuses on questions about nicotine and harm reduction for smokers. Do you have tips on politicians or organizations you want us to take the pulse of? Do not hesitate to contact the editors!

13 Comments on “EU-valet: ”Regeringen förstår inte hur viktig frågan om nikotin egentligen är”

  1. Snus is a Swedish tradition in Sweden for many, and therefore it should/must remain. It is voluntary to start snus, and you must be of age (18 years) to buy snus.
    Sure, snus is harmful, and we know that. Alcohol is also harmful - Should we close all systembolag in Sweden + That all restaurants and bars, taverns may not sell any alcohol anymore too. Do we want to live in a society like this? Would not think so.
    In just 10-15 years, our beautiful Sweden has gone completely to hell, and it will get worse.

    1. We ourselves do not know what we want ... without cig alk drugs we can but without food and water NO

  2. Can't people decide for themselves about their health. Prohibiting and controlling our lives is not humane and fair.

  3. I totally agree, with Lilian Meyer!!!
    Want back the nice, -free Sweden as it was 30 years ago, when I got married and came to Sweden!!!/
    Now the government is making everything to control/ban almost everything, which used to be obvious...,with certain limits!!!Soon you will say how often should we use the toilet, tax even the air, etc.!(?)

  4. Swedish politicians believe that Swedes do not understand or know anything at all and have taken their task as knowing best and of course also than people in other countries.
    What they don't seem to realize is that most people in Sweden who don't enjoy a monthly salary of 100,000+ no longer get REAL and fresh food, but are forced to buy all this processed crap that causes major health problems
    Everything, even all drinks contain salt which we know causes high blood pressure which in turn leads to stroke etc.
    Added sugar, which we know is highly addictive, and fat, which is also added most of the time, cause obesity, a serious public disease, diabetes, etc.
    Explain why mom added salt to whipped cream, for example.
    If you want to make a thick sauce nowadays, you need a thickener because the cream does not thicken as usual.
    Preservatives in bacon that is already smoked. Smoking has always been a way to preserve meat!
    It doesn't even help to bake your own bread because all the flour is processed as is the rapeseed oil that is so often recommended etc.
    I bought a bag of frozen oven vegetables but shockingly the list of ingredients says that the contents are 50% vegetables!
    So half of them are strange and harmful additives that we are forced to eat because we are all addicted to food.
    All the talk and bans as well as the hunt for smokers is to camouflage, among other things, what I mentioned, exhaust fumes we have been exposed to, the industries' emissions of hazardous chemicals that they can continue freely as long as they pay the fines to the state. More money for the politicians to fiddle with, like the tobacco tax! If that is the whole reason why people are dying, why not stop selling it, it was that simple.
    Why has the debate on the harmful effects of alcohol been completely silenced, even though they should know that more young people today than in any previous generation?
    Some just have to shout the loudest even though the ignorance of reality among politicians, In terms of Sweden and the lives of ordinary Swedes seem non-existent.
    Every Swede probably has at least one more brain cell than every politician and thus can actually decide for themselves how they want to live their lives - apart from food, of course.

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