Nicotine debate: Want to see a ban on drug dealing and ID checks in smoking areas

Intergenerational ban on tobacco purchases. ID checks in the smoking area to stop minors from using cigarettes. Exposure bans and a ban on the packaging of tobacco products. These are some of the proposals on the table when the Swedish Parliament debates tobacco issues at the end of March.

Angelica Lindberg (S&D) wants to introduce a ban on the sale of cigarettes to minors. She also proposes a so-called generational ban, which would prohibit the sale of cigarettes to anyone born after a certain year from ever being allowed.

"Those who are currently under 18, and therefore not allowed to buy cigarettes, would not be able to legally do so even after their 18th birthday. Making it a criminal offense to buy, sell or give cigarettes to someone under the age of 18, similar to the current laws on alcohol, would also prevent dealing." writes Angelica Lindberg in a motion to Parliament.

Intergenerational bans on tobacco purchases have been discussed in other countries and were close to being introduced in New Zealand just last year. The New Zealand However, the government backed down as the costs of the legislation were deemed too high and smoking rates among young people were already falling to very low levels as the use of e-cigarettes increased.

Wants to ban exposure

Markus Wiechel, also a member of parliament for the Sweden Democrats, wants to ban the display of tobacco products in shops. According to him, the sight of different tobacco products sends a double message to minors.

"Numerous studies have shown that the visibility of tobacco products increases the risk of children and adolescents experimenting with and trying tobacco products and, in the worst case, using them regularly. Having tobacco products out in the open also sends a dangerous signal that in a way normalizes the products, which undermines the danger when they are exposed and sold among food. Parliament should instruct the government to investigate and implement requirements for hidden tobacco sales in Sweden as well." writes Markus Wiechel (sd).

The Left Party, like Mikael Wiechel, has submitted a motion that proposes a ban on exposure for tobacco products in shops.

Age verification at use

Markus Wiechel also wants to investigate the possibility of age verification for people who use tobacco products.
"It has become a more common sight for minors to stand and smoke, which has even made it an accepted part of everyday life in several secondary schools. Requiring all tobacco consumers to show valid identification when using tobacco should therefore simplify preventive efforts to make consumption among minors more difficult. The government should therefore return with proposals aimed at clearer requirements to show valid identification in connection with tobacco consumption." writes Markus Wiechel in his motion.

Tobacco policy and a future strategy on alcohol, drugs, tobacco, doping and gambling will be debated in Swedish Parliament on March 21, 2024.

Tackling youth smoking - motion by Angelica Lundberg (sd)
Measures to reduce smoking - motion by Markus Wiechel (S&D)

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