Two EU countries move closer to banning disposable vejps

Belgium gets permission from the EU to ban single-use weapons. France is now expected to follow suit. The ban will prevent young people from vejpa, but is also likely to affect many adults trying to quit smoking.

Belgium has been given the go-ahead to ban the sale of disposable guns. The newspaper reports that The Brussels Times. The decision comes from the European Commission, which must approve any ban on products regulated under the European Tobacco Products Directive (TPD). Now France is expected to follow suit, after the French parliament also voted to ban disposable models, reports the newspaper Euractiv. 

Although traditional e-cigarettes are based on the same technology as disposable models, they are not affected by the ban in either Belgium or France. According to the Belgian Minister of Health, e-cigarettes are also used as a smoking cessation aid. Therefore, they can remain on the market. However, he believes that disposable models attract young people to vejpa. 

Popular products - with a black back

Disposable vapes have exploded in popularity in all EU countries since they entered the market five years ago. A common explanation for this popularity is the availability in regular convenience stores, which now sell e-cigarettes alongside regular cigarettes. A disposable cigarette approved for sale in the EU can contain a maximum of 2 milliliters of e-liquid with a nicotine content of 20 mg per/ml. This is equivalent to about two days of normal use - the same as a pack of cigarettes.

At the same time, varying legislation on the products in different countries on a global scale has opened up large black markets. Single-use models that are legal in some countries are just as easily available in countries with other restrictions. Sales take place online and this is often where minors get hold of e-cigarettes.

Many adults use disposable vejps

Studies in other countries, such as the UK, which is also planning to ban disposables, suggest that a ban is also likely to affect a very large number of adult vejp users and smokers. In the UK, disposables are used by almost half of the vejp users in the country (around 2 million people), while the products are widely used by smokers who are either cutting down on cigarettes or trying to quit smoking altogether.

"We estimate that a ban on disposable vejps in particular would affect 1.2 million Britons who smoke and vejp, perhaps in an attempt to quit smoking, and a further 744,000 who have previously smoked." noted addiction researcher Sarah Jacksson in st the time of publication of the study. "This means that more than 2 million Britons are currently using disposable vejps, either to quit smoking or to stay smoke-free"

In Belgium, more people smoke 23% of the adult population.

Pointing to the environment

However, both the Belgian and French governments believe that the ban will reduce use among young people as the products are banned. They also believe that the products pose an environmental hazard, as there is currently no established market for recycling the products. 

The Belgian ban on single-use vejps is expected to enter into force on January 1, 2025. When the French ban is in place remains to be seen. A process vis the EU Commission takes at least six months from the time the application is submitted, according to the magazine Euroaktiv. A British ban could take effect from March next 2025.

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