Study: Road users got whiter teeth after quitting smoking

A unique study from the University of Catania in Italy showed that quitters who switch to vejpning and heated tobacco products can regain whiter tooth enamel, similar to that of non-smokers.

Of all the health risks associated with smoking, nicotine yellow teeth are perhaps not the most alarming. But still, it's not that pretty, and aesthetics should not be underestimated as a motivating factor to break a bad habit. Vaping, in the form of e-cigarettes and heated tobacco, is often used to facilitate smoking cessation. At the same time, the impact of using these products on teeth is not fully understood.

Compared the teeth of smokers and vejpares

This is what a team of researchers based in Catania, Italy, wanted to find out. By comparing the teeth of smokers, non-smokers and vejp users, they hoped to see if there were differences in dental effects between smoking and vejp use. The study included 18 current smokers, 18 former smokers, 20 never smokers, 15 exclusive HTP (Heated tobacco product) users and 18 exclusive vejp users. Participants had their degree of tooth staining measured by a digital technique called digital spectrophotometry.

Clear differences

The results of the study showed that tobacco smokers had about 35% worse tooth discoloration than those who had never smoked or quit smoking. The study also showed significantly whiter teeth in former smokers who now use e-cigarettes or heated tobacco products compared to tobacco smokers.

The study by CoHEAR (The Center of Excellence for the Acceleration of Harm Reduction) is the first of its kind and the researchers behind it say it sheds light on a new aspect of oral health among users of smokeless nicotine products. 

No tar in the steam

"Given the design and technology of smokeless nicotine products, our findings come as no surprise. Simply put, the products do not produce the tar-based pigments in tobacco smoke that are responsible for discoloration and staining of teeth," comments Professor Shipra Gupta, lead author of the paper and part of the Periodontology Unit at the Oral Health Sciences Centre in Chandigarh, India. 

Improves dental health

As smokeless nicotine products replace tobacco smoking, this will also affect dental health in general, says Shira Gupta.

"These technologies are expected to reduce the exposure of teeth to pigments linked to tar in tobacco smoke, leading to the observed improvement in aesthetic appearance and overall dental health," he continues. 

Sources in this article:
CoEHAR research reveals whiter teeth in former smokers using E-Cigarettes or Heated Tobacco Products than tobacco smokers 

Editor's note: addiction research

As Vejpkollen usually point out The Center of Excellence for the Acceleration of Harm Reduction (CoEHAR) at the University of Catania in Italy is largely funded by the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World (FSFW). FSFW is an independent scientific organization with the aim of "accelerating the end of smoking". The Foundation was previously funded by a grant from Philip Morris International (PMI). This cooperation has now ceasedt and the Foundation is seeking new forms of funding.

Research from industry-supported sources should always be read with the economic context in mind. At the same time, we are surrounded by studies in all kinds of fields that are essentially funded by a commissioning company, which should not be equated with the research being less robust or serious per se.

Stefan Mathisson
responsible publisher

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