The nicotine debate: "Taste is not harmful"

"Taste is not harmful. Nicotine, on the other hand, is both addictive and harmful to health. Limiting nicotine levels in nicotine pouches is therefore important"
This was the opinion of Johan Hultberg (M) when the Parliament debated nicotine issues and proposals to ban the taste of white snus and e-cigarettes.

The Moderate Party will continue to pursue a policy of harm reduction in tobacco policy. This became clear after Johan Hultberg (M) and Jesper Skalberg Karlsson (M) debated the issues in Parliament.
"We believe it is important to have a policy that makes a clear distinction between the harmfulness of different products and focuses on prevention and harm reduction. This is why we need a new overarching goal for the ANDTS policy and a new ANDTS strategy." said Johan Hultberg.

"Taste is not harmful"

At the same time, Johan Hultberg stressed the importance of regulating the new nicotine products now entering the market. However, he said that a flavor ban for nicotine pouches or e-cigarettes misses the mark. Two parties, the Left Party and the Social Democrats, have submitted motions proposing taste bans.

"A majority in the Parliament has already said no to the introduction of heavy-handed proposals on taste bans. Taste is not harmful. Nicotine, on the other hand, is both addictive and harmful to health. It is therefore good that the issue of limiting nicotine content is now being investigated, especially in light of the fact that the nicotine content of white snus is often several times higher than in traditional snus."

Want to ban the sale of nicotine products

An inquiry is currently looking at a very wide range of issues in the field of tobacco and nicotine. The inquiry will assess the possibility of banning the sale of tobacco and nicotine products in the same way as for alcohol, introducing a ban on the stocking of unauthorized products and a cap on the nicotine content of nicotine pouches.

"Prohibiting drug dealing is an important part of protecting children and young people." said Johan Hultberg.

The debate on nicotine products can be viewed on Parliament's website:
Alcohol, drugs, doping, tobacco and gambling

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