Scientists warn: smokers think e-cigarettes are more dangerous than cigarettes

Över hälften av alla rökare i England tror att vejpning, det vill säga bruk av e-cigaretter, är lika farligt eller till och med farligare än att röka cigaretter. Detta trots att myndigheterna kontinuerligt informerar om motsatsen. Det visar en studie från University College London.

“Riskerna med att vejpa är minimala jämfört med att röka. Men informationen som når ut till rökare är ofta felaktig eller överdriver riskerna av olika skäl. Det kan få allvarliga konsekvenser, i synnerhet för de rökare som kan ha hjälp av e-cigaretter för att komma bort från cigaretterna” säger Sarah Jackson, som lett studien vid institutionen för epidemiologi och folkhälsa, University College London.

Studien bygger på information från brittiska “Smoking Toolkit Study” där forskare årligen samlar in data om rökning och rökavvänjning i landet. Man ställer då även frågor till rökare kring deras syn på e-cigaretter och andra verktyg för att sluta röka.

Contrary message from authorities

In 2023, 28,393 smokers participated in the survey, of which 1700 were followed up weekly by the researchers during the year. The results revealed gross misconceptions about the safety of e-cigarettes. A full 57% believed that e-cigarettes are either as harmful or more harmful than cigarettes. According to the UK public health authorities, evidence suggests that, on the contrary, e-cigarette use poses a fraction of the risks compared to smoking.

"There is an urgent need to address misconceptions about vejpning to ensure that people can make informed decisions about the nicotine products they use." Sarah Jackson told the magazine The Independent.

Affects both young and old smokers

One possible explanation for the misconceptions could be a steady stream of articles in the media, mainly linked to youth drug use, but also pure sensationalismsays Sarah Jackson. She now worries that the consequences could be that smokers are less likely to switch to vejpning and so-called dual users (those who both smoke and vejp) continue to smoke for longer. 

"For young vejpers who have never smoked regularly before, misconceptions like these may result in them not being so worried about any increased risks associated with a possible switch to cigarette smoking." she says.

Misconceptions about the state of research

E-cigarettes have been on the market for over 20 years. A common perception among both researchers and the public is that the products have not been around long enough to know the long-term effects. But even this suggests a series of misconceptions about the state of research, says Sarah Jackson.

"I think a lot of people are concerned that we didn't know cigarettes were as harmful as they are until long after they were established on the market", Sarah Jackson told the Independent. "People unfortunately think the same might be true of e-cigarettes because it's a relatively new product, but I also think what a lot of people don't understand is how far the science has progressed since then."

Better research than for cigarettes

She compares it to the research on cigarette smoking, and the fact that it took a long time for scientists to see the link between a range of deadly diseases and regular smoking

"If cigarettes were invented today, we would know immediately that they are incredibly harmful - we don't need decades of data to know when something is as harmful as cigarettes. If e-cigarettes were as harmful, we would already know it by now," she told the Indipendent. "Unfortunately, I think this is one of the main reasons why people are suspicious of e-cigarettes. They don't think the evidence is developed enough to know for sure that they are safer."

Health authorities recommend e-cigarettes

Since 2015, UK public health authorities have commissioned a review and synthesis of evidence on the risks of e-cigarettes and vejpning. At the same time, the independent organization Cochrane Reviews, so far commissioned by the British Cancer Society, is compiling data on the effectiveness of e-cigarettes in smoking cessation. The message is that, overall, vejpning in measures of magnitudes" less harmful than smoking, and that e-cigarettes are a safe and effective tool for smoking cessation.

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