Ban or opportunity? New nicotine products a key issue for the Tobacco Convention

E-cigarettes, but also other smokeless nicotine products, will be the focus of the tenth meeting of the Tobacco Convention. And among the 183 countries participating in the meeting, there are very different views on how to deal with the emerging market of competing nicotine products.

Both New Zealand and the United Kingdom currently recommends e-cigarettes, vejps, to help smokers quit. New Zealand authorities runs campaigns to encourage smokers to test e-cigarettes and the UK will from 2024 onwards distribute e-cigarettes to one million smokers in the country to help them quit.

Already heavily regulated

While the products are heavily regulated in the UK, e-cigarettes are allowed to be sold in regular shops with an age limit and product registration requirements. However, marketing opportunities are limited.

"Neither children nor non-smokers should use e-cigarettes. We have recently introduced a ban on disposable models and put in place other measures to reduce uptake among young people" said Rosanna O'Connor leading the UK delegation during his opening speech at COP10.

Vejpning reduced smoking

According to the New Zealand delegation, the country has managed to dramatically reduce the percentage of smokers since the last meeting in 2021. As Vejpkollen previously reported, the sharp decline strongly linked to the uptake of e-cigarettes in the country.

"We have come so far, we have to go further. We have done so much that we have to do more" said Jane Chambers, who heads the New Zealand delegation in Panama.

Combining the measures

Daily smoking is down to 6.8 percent, down from 16 percent in 2012, noted Jane Chambers in his speech.

"And it continues to decline." stated Jane Chambers "We have achieved this through a combination of measures under the Tobacco Convention and evidence-based harm reduction efforts. This includes measures to make a range of substitute products available to smokers. E-cigarettes are regulated and not allowed to be sold to those under the age of eighteen, and the shop selling them is licensed to do so"

Regulated e-cigs - despite WHO opposition

The Philippines also highlighted the importance of regulating e-cigarettes and other new nicotine products. Recently, the government of the Philippines chose to, against WHO recommendations, not ban e-cigarettes but instead regulate them under new legislation. An unregulated market increases the risk of youth use, according to the Philippine delegation.

"The legislation in the Philippines aims to reduce the harm caused by smoking, by establishing a comprehensive and differentiated regulatory framework for the importation, manufacture, sale, packaging, distribution, use and marketing of e-cigarettes with or without nicotine. The same applies to other novel tobacco products. The new law will prevent young people from getting hold of these products" said Hubert Guevara, leader of the Philippine delegation to COP10.

Currently, 19% of the adult population in the Philippines smoke. Two percent vejpar (equivalent to 1.6 million people)

The Netherlands calls for a ban

A very different approach to harm minimization and vejpning was expressed by the The Netherlands delegation, where the message was more about prohibitions and restrictions than regular regulation.

"New nicotine products are becoming increasingly popular. They are supposed to help people quit smoking. But in reality they are not. They attract young people and nicotine is dangerous for young people" said the Deputy Minister of Health. Marjolijn Sonnema and said that the Dutch approach, which has led to both a taste ban on e-cigarettes and a possible total ban on nicotine pouches, is necessary to reach the WHO's smoke-free target.

Still no Swedish position

Neither Sweden nor any of the other Nordic countries chose to make a statement during the opening seminar. However, the EU issued a joint statement highlighting the importance of more comprehensive action to reduce smoking in the EU.

"In the European Union, we have established ambitious tobacco control legislation and policies, yet smoking rates remain high. We are determined to deliver on Europe's plan to reduce cancer and create a tobacco-free generation by 2040. To do so, we are currently evaluating the legal framework for tobacco control and will take the necessary steps to improve it." Kris Boers, via the Beligian delegation, without going into details.

Concerns about nicotine pouches

Although at present there are no official data Leaked information on how the EU will treat products such as nicotine pouches during the revision of the Tobacco Products Directive has raised concerns among Swedish nicotine users and pouch manufacturers. Kris Boers chose not to talk about specific products but to take a more general tone.

"To effectively curb the growing use by young people, we need to move forward with our work on cross-border tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship across all types of media, especially digital and media communication platforms." said Kris Boers.

COP10 takes place in Panama between February 5 and 10. Only the first session of the meeting was open to the public. The rest of the meeting was reserved for delegates, selected lobby groups and journalists.

Watch the full first session here (via Regulator Watch)

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