Research: Dull packaging does not attract young or old to vejpa

Standardized packaging, without dramatic expressions and bright colours, attracts fewer children and minors to buy vejp products. At the same time, it also reduces the interest of adults to try e-cigs. This is according to a recent UK study.

Research on young people's perceptions of vejpning, conducted at the Department of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience at King's College London, aimed to find out how the appearance of packaging and the shape of vejp products attract purchases.

The researchers conducted a study among young people aged 16 to 19 by comparing how participants associated e-liquid packaging with risks of harm and attraction.
They tested different packaging variants and found that standardized packaging (i.e. those without either logos or distinctive colours) was associated with less interest in trying the e-liquid, but at the same time linked to perceptions of greater health risks.

Attracting fewer smokers

The researchers behind the study conclude that standardized packaging may be a method to reduce the attraction of vejpa among young people. However, they also conclude that it may also discourage smokers from switching to vejp in order to minimize harm. 

Perhaps the solution lies in one of the sub-questions of the study. For young people aged 15 to 24, it was clear that the marketing of vejp products is targeted at their age group. This perception indicates that the marketing is more appealing to young people than to adults who already smoke. 

Handing out free e-cigs

The use of e-cigarettes among young people has increased in the UK over the past two years. The researchers argue that this phenomenon points to a worrying trend where marketing strategies may play a significant role in attracting young and non-smoking individuals to try e-cigarettes.

The UK government recently launched a consultation process to gather suggestions on how to adjust the regulation of e-cigarettes. The aim is to keep minors and non-smokers away from e-cigarettes, while still making the products easily accessible to those who want to quit smoking. The government is also running the 'Swap to stop' project - a program that will provide one million smokers with the opportunity to try e-cigarettes, free of charge, for a period of time.

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