Hardcore smokers prefer e-cigs to snus and medicines

Snus may be the most widely used nicotine-containing product in Norway, accounting for 50% of all use. But among those who still smoke, e-cigarettes probably have the greatest potential to reduce smoking. Traditional nicotine medicines, on the other hand, are not very popular. This is according to a new study by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.

Almost a third of smokers in Norway say e-cigarettes would be their first choice to help them quit smoking. The popular snus, which has proven to be the most effective tool to quit smoking in Norway, came second, with 22% of the vote. Only one in five would choose nicotine medicines such as gum and patches.

Smokers who do not like snus

The researchers behind the The Norwegian Institute of Public Health The study wanted to find out how smokers in a country where the use of snus is very widespread view e-cigarettes, snus and nicotine replacement therapy as alternatives to cigarettes. Questions focused on smoking cessation and the extent to which smokers, currently around 15% of the adult population, would consider using these products to quit smoking.

"We suspect that snus attracts the remaining smokers less than before. Mostly because a large proportion of those who currently use snus have already given up cigarettes. Those who still smoke are those who are not hooked on snus and they are often heavy smokers." Karl-Erik Lund, who led the study together with his colleague Tord Finne Vedøj, told Research.no magazine.

Smokers worry about the risks

The use of e-cigarettes has long been relatively low in Norway. This is probably due to the current ban on selling nicotine-containing e-liquid in Norway, the researchers conclude. At the same time, the study shows that many smokers believe that harm-reducing nicotine products are more harmful than they probably are.

"Smokers perceive the risks of e-cigarettes as closer to 60% of the risks of smoking. The same is true for snus, although we know that the risks are significantly lower in comparison. This is likely due to unclear information from authorities and media reporting that focuses on suspected, but not confirmed, risks." the researchers write in their analysis.

Nicotine medicines do not attract

The same is true for various nicotine replacement therapies, despite the fact that these are actively marketed and recommended by authorities for smoking cessation.

"The difference between NRT and e-cigarettes is that they do not serve a recreational purpose. They are considered a therapeutic product that is not meant for enjoyment. Unlike e-cigarettes and snus, they do not have a social function, neither to build identity nor to create a sense of belonging. As a result, they are not very popular," the researchers write.

Flavor bans worry scientists

At present, the Norwegian government is inclined to push through a comprehensive ban on flavorings in e-liquid, as nicotine-containing e-juices will be allowed to be sold in Norway. Only so-called tobacco flavors will be available for sale, while all online sales will be banned. This worries the researchers behind the study.

"A majority of smokers who have switched to e-cigarettes in Norway use fruit and berry flavors. Banning them risks greatly reducing the opportunities for more smokers to quit smoking", says Karl-Erik Lund to the magazine Forskning.no. 

Sources for this article:
How do Smokers in a Snus-Prevalent Society Consider E-cigarettes, Snus, and Nicotine Replacement Therapy Products as Relevant Replacements for Cigarettes in the Event They Should Stop Smoking?

E-cigarettes replace snus as smoking aid: - Ban could hinder quitting, researchers fear

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