Finland: High tax on nicotine pouches awaits after deregulation

High taxes, neutral packaging requirements and a partial flavor ban. This is how the Finnish government wants to deal with the recently legalized sale of nicotine pouches in the country. But now Finnish consumers are warning of a backlash.
"The tax will be ten times higher than in Sweden. This will lead to just as much smuggling as before, with less tax revenue than expected as a result," writes the organization Vapers Finland.

Nicotine pouches have been legal to sell in Finland for six months. The Finnish government is now proposing tough legislation to control trade. If the proposal goes through, the portions will be taxed, increasing the price of a pack by almost 50%. In addition, the government is introducing neutral packaging requirements and a taste ban, which means that nicotine pouches cannot taste of cannabis or alcohol. At the same time, the nicotine content will be limited to 20 mg/g.

Unexpected legalization after the elections

Nicotine portions, like Swedish snus, have become a hot issue in Finland The previous government wanted not only to ban all imports of nicotine pouches, but also to ban the pharmaceutical-grade nicotine pouches that were available on the open market. But this did not happen. The newly appointed coalition government chose instead to do the opposite: dand white snus would become legal to sell in all Finnish shops but at the same time regulated by the Tobacco Act.

"The tax will be designed in the same way as for cigarettes. The difference is that there will be a lower tax for nicotine portions than for cigarettes and smoking tobacco." says the government negotiator Pia Kivimies to the YLE newspaper.

Smuggling decreased

But despite the fact that the tax would be lower than for cigarettes, the proposal is attracting criticism, not least from users and groups advocating better access to harm-reducing nicotine products for smokers in Finland. Currently, 14% of the adult population smokes. However, the use of white snus has been steadily increasing and since the legalization and smuggling of snus and nicotine pouches decreased significantly since liberalization.

"But now the tax will be ten times higher than in Sweden, where most smuggling comes from. In other EU countries, the pouches are not taxed at all. It will cost more to buy a legal pack of nicotine pouches in the store than to buy a Swedish pack of snus on the black market." notes Vapers Finland, a consumer association for e-cigarette users and other nicotine users in Finland.

Unclear about taste ban

In addition to taxation, the proposal opens the door to a wider flavor ban, although this is not explicitly stated in the text. Flavoring of nicotine pouches should "by definition not be prohibited". At the same time, the government states that nicotine pouches should not taste of cannabis or alcohol.

"The Department of Health has previously stated that the intention is that flavors that appeal to children should not be allowed. It has also been specific here, saying that sweets, fruit, berries and desserts are just such flavors. With such a contradictory and vague definition of specific flavors in the law, it opens up for further bans in the future. It is not appropriate to be so ambiguous in a legal text" writes Vapers Finland in its consultation responses.

Risk of black market sales increasing again

At the same time, the use of nicotine pouches increased among young people, despite the fact that they were completely banned, including all flavors, until six months ago.

"The legislation in Finland has had the unfortunate consequence that young people have had access to the products via a black market, while older smokers have found it difficult to get hold of alternatives to cigarettes. The smuggling of nicotine pouches decreased to only one fifth after they were allowed to be sold. Various bans only lead to more smuggling again and that means better access for the children attracted by the products. At the same time, the flavors also attract adults who use nicotine pouches to quit smoking," writes Vapers Finland.

Similar developments for e-cigs

The e-liquid used in vejp products has long been subject to a taste ban in Finland. Only so-called tobacco flavors are allowed. As a result, a large group of 1TP8 users in Finland have switched to mixing their own e-liquids. Despite a comprehensive ban, warns police in Finland for a growing black market for e-cigarettes. This is after disposable models became popular and a cash cow for organized crime in the country.

Does not rule out a change

The Finnish government expects to raise almost €50 million annually from the tax on white snus. This was also one of the winning arguments behind legalization. However, the Finnish government says it will monitor market developments closely. If it turns out that the legislation has unexpected consequences, such as lower tax revenues than expected, it wants to be able to act quickly.

"We are aware of the risks of taxing products too heavily. But we will monitor the issue and re-evaluate the tax levels if necessary" says Pia Kivimies to Finnish YLE.

2 Comments on “Finland: Hög skatt på nikotinpåsar väntar efter avreglering

  1. Now damn is the measure something perkelä Swedish who writes hence the spelling Soon you will not be allowed to crawl under the skirt of your girlfriend without permission. The EU also determines the angle of Petternicklas probably so ! Same as with bananas. Greetings from a Swedish Sweden Democrat 💪💪💪🇸🇪🇸🇪

  2. If Finland thinks that it is better with smoke in the lungs than snus that can be spit out, they will have to pay for long-term care with cancer as a result of increased smoking with cigarette butts everywhere.

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