Rumors of ban on disposable models shake the UK

Single-use e-cigarettes continue to be debated around the world. Some countries, such as France, are preparing possible bans on the products. The reasons vary but are mainly related to youth use and environmental concerns. Now a similar debate has flared up in the UK, the promised land of e-cigarettes.

Discussions on a ban on single-use guns have been circulating in the British media for some months. The opposition in Parliament has already proposed an outright ban, a proposal that is unlikely to gain majority support. At the same time, reports the online newspaper the Telegraph a rumor that the majority, i.e. the Conservative government, is also working on a similar proposal. 

Health scientists enter the debate

The debate has led several health experts in the scientific and regulatory communities to take to the media to warn policy makers about the consequences of a ban on single-use weapons.

"E-cigarettes as a category are the most effective smoking cessation tool today. They are twice as effective as other nicotine replacement products. We don't have direct studies on the role of disposables in smoking cessation, but if we ban them, we will never know" says Sharon Cox, Research Leader in Tobacco and Addiction Studies at University Collage London to The Telegraph.

E-cigs drive down smoking

The claim that the UK has profiled itself as an e-cigarette-friendly country is not taken out of context. The promotion of e-cigarettes has since 2015 been part of the UK government's measures to reduce smoking in the country. And according to several reports, it has been a successful concept. Smoking is declining at an accelerating pace since 2010 when the products were introduced, on the market, and a deliberately mild but strict legislation has accelerated the development.

"No one claims that e-cigs are risk-free"

The Health Authority has published an annual update report on relative and absolute risksr with e-cigarettes to inform smokers about the differences between vejpa and smoking. The message is that vejping is a significantly less harmful way to use nicotine compared to smoking.

"No one has ever claimed that vejping is completely risk-free. But if you are a smoker, switching from cigarettes to e-cigarettes is one of the best things you can do for your health" says Sharon Cox, who has contributed to research in this area on several occasions.

Handing out free e-cigarettes

As the UK government unveiled a comprehensive set of measures to reduce smoking in the country, it also launched a program to distribute e-cigarettes for free to one million smokers in the country. A ban on the popular disposable models would likely affect the effective outcome of that project, says Sharon Cox. Despite the clear message from health authorities, a growing proportion of smokers believe that e-cigarettes are as dangerous as cigarettes. Something that runs counter to the evidence that is available, according to Sharon Cox.

"If we ban an entire category of products in the segment, it is likely to fuel these misconceptions. What should we do about it?" says Sharon Cox to The Telegraph.

Smoking costs the healthcare system huge sums

Smoking costs UK society a great deal in terms of healthcare for smoking-related diseases, points out Sharon Cox. A recent economic report showed that an increased shift among smokers, from cigarettes to e-cigarettes, whose health effects are estimated to be significantly smaller than those of smoking, would save health care half a billion GBP (the equivalent of over SEK 5 billion). Annually.

"The problems caused by smoking are far from being solved. Almost 13 million Britons still smoke. This is costing the health service a lot of money" notes Sharon Cox.

Want smoke-free by 2030

Similar concerns exist in the UK government, at least within the Department of Health.
"We want more Brits to quit smoking. It's an important step towards achieving a smoke-free society by 2030. That's also why we're raising awareness of vejpning and ensuring that one million smokers have the opportunity to try e-cigarettes to quit smoking, at no cost to them," an anonymous UK Department of Health representative told the Telegraph.

"At the same time, we are concerned about the increased uptake of vejpning among minors. The environmental aspects are also worrying, as disposable models ending up in nature are an acute problem."

Taking opinions before making decisions

However, the spokesperson wants to play down rumors of a ban. And that more measures will to be presented shortly.

"We have launched an open consultation to gather views and ideas on how best to tackle youth use and the environmental risks of e-cigarettes. This will provide valuable advice on how we, as a government, can move forward on this issue," he told The Telegraph.

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