New draft law: banning the taste of heated tobacco

Heets and Terea - the tobacco-filled sleeves used to vaporize tobacco in the IQOS system - will no longer be allowed to taste or smell like anything other than tobacco. This is what the government is now proposing in a draft law, following pressure from the EU.

Government proposes a taste ban for heated tobacco. If the proposal goes through, it will mean that tobacco used in IQOS and other products will only be allowed to be flavored with substances "that give a taste and smell of tobacco". At the same time, packets containing heets and terea will have to carry warnings similar to those on cigarette packets.

Flavor ban on e-cigarettes voted down

Just last year, a majority in Parliament voted against a similar proposal to ban flavoring in e-liquid and e-cigarettes The same majority also wanted to explore the possibility of introducing a harm minimization as part of tobacco and nicotine policy. A taste ban was then considered to be contrary to that objective. Unheated tobacco is also considered a harm-reducing nicotine product. However, according to the government, the flavor ban for HNB products and the proposed legislative amendment are an alignment with EU legislation.

"The Government notes that it is necessary to introduce a ban on heated tobacco products with a characteristic flavor into Swedish law to implement the Delegated Directive. The Directive leaves no room for Member States to refrain from introducing flavor restrictions for heated tobacco products." is written in the legislative proposalgoat

Lack of clear definitions

Several respondents wanted a clear definition of what should be counted as smoking tobacco and smokeless tobacco and what does not. According to several Swedish municipalities, which have supervisory responsibilities, it is important to be able to distinguish between the products during an inspection. Japan Tobacco International and Philip Morris International wanted the tobacco in heat-not-burn products to be defined as 'smokeless'. The basic technology for heat-not-burn requires tobacco to be vaporized, without combustion, to work properly.

Leaving everything to the authorities

However, the government does not want to include a definition of the products to which the new requirements will ultimately apply. It prefers to leave this to the municipalities themselves, the Public Health Agency or, ultimately, a court.

"The definition of tobacco and various tobacco products are concepts that are well established in Swedish law," the government writes in its proposal. "It may therefore be left to the Public Health Agency of Sweden and the municipalities in their capacity as supervisory authorities and courts to develop practice regarding the characteristics that determine whether a heated tobacco product is to be considered smoke-free or a tobacco product for smoking.

Unclear about health warnings

At the same time as the flavor ban enters into force, packages containing heatsticks will also carry warnings. However, it is unclear whether heatsticks should be counted as smoking tobacco or smokeless tobacco, which determines which warnings should appear on the packs. Here, too, the Government proposes that the Public Health Agency of Sweden develops guidelines for practice.

If the new law is voted and approved by Parliament, it will apply from 1 May 2024.

Facts: Heat-Not-Burn

  • PMI's vejp product IQOS, but also BAT's GLO, is a combination of a cigarette (tobacco) and an e-cigarette (vaporization via heating).
  • In some countries, such as Japan, IQOS is a success story, with over a quarter of PMI customers preferring IQOS to traditional cigarettes. In the rest of the world, such as Europe, IQOS is slightly less popular, although it is on sale in most EU countries. The products have the highest uptake in Eastern Europe and the Baltics.
  • In Sweden, some larger chains such as (for example) Pressbyrån sell IQOS. The heat-not-burn system is also available in some convenience stores.

Few independent studies on HNB

  • Heat-not-burn (HNB) products have been on the market since 2014. The technology is based on heating tobacco: a sleeve containing a tobacco mixture is heated in the same way that e-liquid is heated in an e-cigarette. This creates a vapor at a lower temperature and without combustion.
  • The health risks of HNB products are likely to be less than those of tobacco smoking. However, the UK Public Health Agency, a world leader in tobacco harm reduction, notes that the evidence base for assessing the health risks of HNB is currently thin.
    "HNB products are likely to emit fewer toxic chemicals than cigarettes, but more harmful substances than regular e-cigarettes," writes the UK Health Protection Agency, in its annual report on risks of e-cigarettes and similar products, 2018
  • Of the 20 studies it has reviewed, 12 originate from the tobacco companies themselves, says the UK Public Health Agency
  • "The studies suggest a harm reduction effect for smokers, but we need more independent studies to draw firm conclusions," the UK agency writes.

1 Comment on “Nytt lagförslag: Smakförbud för upphettad tobak

  1. Flavoring Heets yourself is very easy, there are already many products, like papers and sprays that came when the EU banned methol cigarettes. Another stupid and unnecessary proposal that may lead to fewer people choosing something other than cigarettes.

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