Study: E-cigarettes helped COPD patients improve health

Smokers with COPD can improve their health by switching from cigarettes to e-cigarettes. This is the result of a new long-term study that followed COPD patients for 5 years.

Updated July 2023.

Quitting smoking is the only way to reduce the damage caused by chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The disease is caused by toxins in cigarette smoke, which over time can trigger chronic inflammation of the airways and lungs. The prognosis for COPD patients who do not quit smoking is poor and often life-threatening. 

Used e-cigarettes instead of smoking

In a recently published long-term study Italian researchers have now mapped the effects of how COPD patients responded to switching cigarettes versus e-cigarettes. For five years, the researchers followed 39 patients. Half were still smoking, while half were using e-cigarettes, vejpning, to help them quit. The vejping group also included patients who had significantly reduced smoking but had not quit completely.

"The advantage of e-cigarettes is that they are not based on the combustion of tobacco. The liquid that is heated evaporates at much lower temperatures than those that trigger the high concentration of toxins found in cigarette smoke," the researchers write.

Different e-liquids and nicotine

The patients who vejpade used different types of e-cigarettes, e-juices and nicotine strengths over the 5 years of the study. The trend showed that the nicotine content of the e-liquid decreased over time. Among those who used e-cigarettes in combination with regular cigarettes, smoking was reduced by almost 80%, the researchers found. Patients were tested at 12-month intervals.

Big changes with e-cigs

COPD causes permanent damage that cannot be healed, and usually worsens over time. The researchers therefore compared the extent to which the patients' condition deteriorated, the impact on different lung functions, and how they managed to carry out daily activities, such as exercise.

The results showed patients who switched to electronic cigarettes improved their prognosis on several levels.

"Patients who used e-cigarettes showed clear improvements in their prognosis, compared to smokers. The exacerbation rate decreased by 50%" writes the researchers.

Improved lung functions

The vejp patients also developed fewer related illnesses and infections requiring hospitalization, the study shows.

"Consistent with previous studies, e-cigarette users also showed improved lung function and ability to move and exercise. We see no difference between these and patients and those who quit smoking with traditional nicotine medicines," the researchers write.

Largest study on COPD and e-cigarettes

This is the longest study to date on e-cigarettes and COPD. Previous studies have suggested that e-cigarettes may worsen COPD.

"But these studies were not based on clinical trials," say the researchers.

In their analysis, they point to the value of long-term clinical studies, not only to know whether e-cigarettes are harmful to COPD patients in the long and short term, but also to give doctors more tools to help their patients.

"It is about identifying the different conditions for switching to a smoke-free lifestyle," the researchers write.

Difficult to quit smoking despite COPD

They clarify that e-cigarettes are not risk-free, but that several studies, both clinical and theoretical, shows that vejpning is a significantly less harmful alternative to continuing to smoke cigarettes.

"Many smokers with the diagnosis do not want to or find it very difficult to quit smoking with traditional methods. E-cigarettes allow them to keep their supplies, but at the same time improve their prognosis. It has proven to be an 'accepted' way for patients to quit smoking. E-cigarettes become a useful tool in treatment and can reduce the inevitable suffering caused by COPD," the researchers write in their analysis.


COPD smokers who switched to e-cigarettes: health outcomes at 5-year follow up

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