How EU tax on e-juice could affect Sweden

The European Commission is likely to propose an EU-wide tax on e-liquids before the end of the year. This is reported by Vapolitique magazine.
"This could have consequences in Sweden as well, even though we already have the tax that the EU is likely to propose," says Niklas Linder, from the Swedish Electronic Cigarette Industry Association.

According to various media leaks, several proposals are on the table. One of them is similar to the e-juice taxation system already in place in Sweden. This means that e-liquid would be taxed based on two different concentration levels. The equivalent of SEK 2 per milliliter if the concentration is less than 15 mg/ml and SEK 4 per milliliter if the concentration is higher (to the maximum limit of 20 mg/ml). 

"If this system is introduced at EU level, a bottle of e-juice will cost more than a pack of cigarettes in countries like France" write Vapolitics.

Veto against excise duty on snus

The upcoming revision of tobacco taxes received attention, especially in Sweden, in the autumn of 2022. It was then reported that Swedish snus would also be taxed like other tobacco products in the EU. As snus is a product that can only be sold in Sweden, Swedish EU delegates protested and forced the Commission to back down through a veto. 

"We will actively work to improve public health and reduce tobacco consumption, but we will stand up for Swedish snus. I hope the government will stand up for Sweden and reject the shock increase." said Niklas Karlsson (S), chair of the Parliament's tax committee, to newspaper Aftonbladet.

No lower tax in Sweden

It is unclear whether the new nicotine tax would affect the prices of e-juice (including disposable models) in Sweden. The proposed system is already in place on the Swedish market, and according to Niklas Linder, active in the Electronic Cigarette Industry Association (BELC), a harmonized tax directive could even lower prices. 

"But presumably each country is free to have higher taxes than the directive specifies. I wouldn't think that Sweden, of all countries, would lower its tax just because it would be possible to do so" says Niklas Linder.

From 20 to 14 mg/ml

At the same time, it can have consequences in other ways. Since then the taxes on different nicotine strengths was introduced, manufacturers and retailers have gradually changed the range by reducing the nicotine strength of pre-blended e-juices. From a standard of 18-20 mg/ml, the standard is now 14 mg/ml - all to reduce the price at the counter 

"If the EU draws the line between low and high differently from Swedish legislation (at 15 mg/ml), many manufacturers and importers here risk being disappointed as the point of newly notified 14 mg/ml products disappears." says Niklas Linder.

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