HHC sales soar after media warning

In just one week, sales of HHC vapes in the small vejpshop increased tenfold. The probable reason: media warnings focusing on youth use and the risks of the hitherto legal drug extracted from cannabis.
"The new customers are actually mostly older people who have heard that it helps with stress and pain. And they often come back and buy more"

From three disposable models sold per day to over 100. After that customs office and the police have warned that young people are buying the still legal drug HHC, sales have skyrocketed. At least in one of the very few pure vejpshops that actually sells HHC vapes.

"Before the media broke this story, they were selling quite slowly, 3-5 a day. Now it's over 100 a day," the owner, who wishes to remain anonymous, told Vejpkollen.

From industrial hemp to vape

HHC extracted from industrial hemp and has similar effects to THC (traditional cannabis hemp). However, due to its origin, HHC has not been classified as a drug in Sweden. As a result, the substance has become popular and is available for sale in everything from convenience stores to candy shops in the form of sweets and as an ingredient in the e-liquid of some disposable cigarettes.

Get vejpshoppes that sell

Vejkollen did a survey among Swedish vejpshoppers and found in the month of April only one dedicated e-cigarette shop selling the controversial product - in the form of a disposable model. 

"I've had it in the range for a little over two months" says the owner when Vejpkollen contacts the store. 

Sensitive issue in the 1TP8 World

They wish to remain anonymous so as not to offend colleagues in the industry, they say. Cannabis, or THC, has long been a divisive issue among entrepreneurs and users in the vejp industry, with many believing that an intoxicating drug should not be confused with a nicotine inhalation technique - a tool primarily used as a smoking cessation aid. Yet the widespread legalization of cannabis in the United States has gone hand in hand with vejp technology. Properly processed, cannabis extracts can be mixed into an e-liquid and vejp is safe to use, which has become popular with users in several states. However, improperly mixed cannabis juice can lead to both illness and death, something that became apparent in 2019 when 60 people died after having vejpat THC juice mixed with it non-water-soluble substance e-acetate.

Gained media attention

HHC has been relatively unknown in Sweden but has recently attracted increasing attention, not least since the drug made headlines in some major media in the spring. The features and articles are characterized by both doctors and police officers warning "for the new drug" that attracts young people with "funny names" and good tastes. 

From three to 100 units sold

Ironically, it was precisely after some critical reports in TV4 as the store owner saw drastic changes in sales.

"At the time we were selling a maximum of 5 units per day. After the media warnings, we started selling 100+ per day," the shop owner told Vejpkollen.

Most older people buying

They also reacted to who was buying the products. According to Swedish Customs, HHC products are targeted at young people through various "candy flavors". In the shop that Vejpkollen has been in contact with, every purchase requires verification via BankID, where the age is registered.

"Before it took off, the typical customer was 18-25 years old. Now, after the attention, more than half of the customers are between 50 and 70 years old"

Why do you think this is?

"I think a lot of older people have heard that cannabis can help them get rid of pain, sleep problems, appetite, stress and the like. And they actually come back for refills after trying it." 

Could be classified as a drug

HHC is likely to be classified as a drug in the fairly near future. This has happened in both Denmark and Finland. The Public Health Agency of Sweden is currently investigating HHC (hexahydrocannabinol) and is expected to submit a proposal for a ban to the government before the summer.

"I will of course stop selling the products as soon as they become illegal," the shop owner told Vejpkollen.

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