"We need to find a sustainable solution for disposable weapons"

"Apart from the increasing use by minors, the main challenge of disposable models lies in the issue of environment and sustainability. At present, it is more expensive to recycle a disposable vejp than it is to manufacture it"
This is according to John Dunne, Director General of the world's largest trade association for electronic cigarettes, the UKVIA.

Disposable models have quickly become one of the best-selling e-cigarettes on the market. Perhaps not surprisingly. Due to their simplicity and size, many kiosks, which previously did not sell e-cigarettes, have started selling disposable models alongside analog cigarettes. According to market research translates into sales close to one billion annually in Sweden alone.

Caught many off guard

But accessibility comes at a price. Initially, disposable vapes have created a heated debate, both inside and outside the vejp world, not least because of a increased uptake among young people. Even in the UK, where the use of e-cigarettes has become part of the strategy to reduce smoking in the country, the exploding market for disposable models has caught many off guard.

Changed attitude towards disposable weapons

Like many others in the vejp industry, the John Dunne, Director General of the trade association UKVIA which organizes nearly 50 vejp companies and an equal number of related organizations and entrepreneurs, was initially sceptical about the products.

"But I have actually changed my mind. It's far from just younger people buying them. We see through our members that older people also like the products and that they seem to have a crucial role in attracting smokers to try e-cigarettes" he tells Vejpkollen when we meet during E-cigarette summit 2022.

Shops selling to children

John Dunne believes that disposable vapes have an important role to play, not least as e-cigarettes become a mainstream product even in the most purely tobacco shops, as an easily accessible alternative to cigarettes. However, UKVIA has reacted to the fact that many shops, which are outside the traditional vejp industry, often do not comply with the laws and regulations that exist for the sale of e-cigarettes. Lack of age checks and unapproved products are common.

"We saw a pattern where neither the authorities nor other responsible parties were able to address the problems. We realized that as an organization we need to do more to help on the ground. If only for the sake of the industry," says John Dunne.

Welcome contribution

In 2022, the organization carried out regular checks of shops in London, alerting the authorities to illegal sales to minors and products not registered under the UK regulatory framework (which is based on the EU TPD even after EU withdrawal). Recently, the UK government allocated £3 million to tackling illegal sales, something that John Dunne and UKVIA were welcomed.

A question of sustainability

But it's not just underage use that worries John Dunne. The single-use models create other problems that need to be addressed, he says.

"We can tackle youth addiction by getting more people to comply with the laws already in place. But the big challenge with disposable models is the issue of sustainability. Of course, we take the environmental risks of these products seriously," says John Dunne

Wear-and-tear product

The lithium battery in a disposable vape is the same as in a regular e-cigarette. The difference is that the format itself, a wear-and-tear product, doesn't exactly entice the user to recycle or reuse the device. And that needs to change, says John Dunne.

"The problem today is that it is cheaper to produce a disposable vape than it is to recycle it. We in the industry need to find a solution to this. As a trade association, we have tried to bring together the major manufacturers and retailers to raise the issue. We want everyone involved to help from their side: with the manufacturing process, the materials chosen and how recycling opportunities become part of the sale" says John Dunne to Vejpkollen.

Trusting the industry

The solutions haven't quite landed yet, notes John Dunne. Nevertheless, he is confident that the industry will find a solution. Recently, recycling company Waste Experts became a member of UKVIA, a sign of change according to John Dunne.

"I have no doubt that we in industry can solve this. Since their inception, Vejp companies have proven to be some of the most innovative companies in the world. They will fix this too. There is also a lot at stake. If they want to sell disposable models and reap the benefits of their popularity, they must also take responsibility for sustainability and the environment. Otherwise, there is a high risk that the products will be regulated away. I think even the bigger players realize this and need to act wisely," says John Dunne.

EU rules around the corner

Since the interview, the EU's investigation into a new battery regulation has been nearing a decision in the European Parliament, according to which both disposable models and other e-cigarettes with built-in batteries risk being banned. The aim is for all batteries, including built-in ones, to be easy to either remove or replace by the end user.

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