Norway: massive criticism of ban on online snus sales

The Norwegian government is likely to propose a ban on online sales of certain nicotine products. These include snus, nicotine pouches, e-liquid and disposable vapes, but not nicotine gum and spray. The aim is to reduce sales to young people.
"It's completely absurd. We have just as strict age controls as the tax authorities," writes an online retailer in the newspaper Nettavisen.

Following the Norwegian government's announcement that it wants to allow the sale of both nicotine e-liquid and nicotine-only pouches in the country, criticism of the proposal is growing. While previously illegal products will be available in physical stores, the government wants to ban all online sales.

"We have 100% age verification with BankID on all our customers. It's exactly the same requirement as when you file a tax return or apply for a multi-million kronor mortgage. But apparently BankID verification is not enough for our Health Minister." Adrian Hauer, who runs an online shop for snus and nicotine pouches in Norway, writes in an opinion piece.

Fighting for Norwegian snus farmers

The debate on the planned ban has also stirred up bad blood in various political camps. Representatives of the opposition Progress Party argue that the government is being far too categorical about the sale of snus. This is something that particularly affects local snus growers, who are a counterpart to the tobacco companies when it comes to snus production in Norway. The main sales of local snus take place online.

"We will fight for the snus farmers and do everything we can to stop the plans for such a ban," says Bård Hoksrud from the Progress Party in The online newspaper.

Flavor ban for e-cigs criticized

As vejpkollen previously reported, the Norwegian government also wants to ban flavors in e-liquid with nicotine. Or rather, all flavors except so-called "tobacco flavors". This has been heavily criticized, not only by users, but also by researchers at the Norwegian Health Authority.

"A large majority of people who use e-cigarettes to stay smoke-free use non-tobacco flavors, almost 80%. Banning flavors, while at the same time banning online sales, is therefore both risky and counterproductive. Especially if we want to reduce the harm caused by nicotine use in Norway," says the tobacco researcher. Karl-Erik Lund i Online newspaper.

Favors nicotine medicines

The new Tobacco Act in Norway is expected to be presented to Parliament before the summer. If passed, nicotine products will only be sold by pharmaceutical companies through pharmacies - at least online. Smoking among young people has fallen to less than 1% in Norway, as the use of snus and e-cigarettes has increased. According to Karl-Erik Lunds studies are snus and e-cigarettes also the two most widely used smoking cessation methods in Norway.

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