Investigation into the prohibition of the sale of cigarettes, e-cigs and snus

A ban on the sale of nicotine and the possibility of special rules for the sale of nitrous oxide. These are measures that are now being investigated further, as mandated by the government.

Updated article: March 2023

The Swedish Parliament wants to make it a criminal offense for private individuals to sell nicotine products, i.e. cigarettes, nicotine pouches and e-cigarettes, to minors. The government has therefore set up an inquiry to find out how this will work in practice. The same inquiry will also look into the possibility of regulating the sale of nitrous oxide.

Instead of taste bans

It was in connection with the parliament taking a position on the government's bill on "tougher rules for new nicotine products" which proposed to ban the sale of cigarettes and other nicotine products. The proposal stood as an alternative to banning flavorings in e-cigarettes to reduce their use among young people.
"Instead of pushing a poster policy, we wanted to make it a criminal offense to deal the products. It closes a loophole in the law and does more to protect minors" says Johan Hultberg (m) Member of the Social Affairs Committee, to Vejpkollen.

"A strong marker"

The Moderates' proposal against drug dealing won the support of all parliamentary parties. And according to the Liberals Barbro Westerholm it is an important step in reducing the risks of young people becoming addicted to nicotine.

"We were not ready for a taste ban. But an 18-year limit and a strong stamp against dealing is what we need right now to manage the risks of these products." Barbro Westerholm i the debate on the taste ban in June 2022.

Selling to minors is illegal

A prohibition on vaping would be similar to that for alcohol. Currently, it is illegal for shops to sell e-liquid and e-cigarettes with nicotine to minors. The law also applies to regulated products such as mods and tanks. Products that cannot be used with nicotine are not included in the ban.

In connection with the rejection by Parliament the taste ban for e-cigarettes it also introduced an age limit for nicotine pouches, 18 years, and rules on marketing restrictions.

Nitrous oxide - unregulated sales

The debate on nitrous oxide has become topical in recent years, especially as more and more people buy and use nitrous oxide to get drunk. The sale of nitrous oxide is currently unregulated, fully legal and carried out by both established companies and private individuals.

Originally due to be completed by October 31, 2023, the investigation has been extended to March 31, 2024. The investigation is led by Inga-Lill Askersjö, member of the Supreme Court.

Inquiry to review, among other things, the use of nitrous oxide
Read more at Vejpkollen:
Government investigates more bans on nicotine products

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