Since when did my voice become your voice?

Once again, it is on the agenda. These flavors that we use for our e-cigarettes and enjoy. But something that strikes me is that I, myself and maybe you too, have passed the 40 with both VAT, customs and other taxes but once again those in power show that our voice is simply not our voice. That our views and opinions are not relevant, or perhaps simply do not exist.

They want to argue that we, who are closer to death than birth and who have been smokers, can certainly not like to treat ourselves to something sweet, fresh or refreshing but what we promptly want is a taste of grass fire mixed with possibly nuts or mint and despite the fact that we stand and explicitly say that, no that's not what we want, so like the embarrassing 5-year-old who at the checkout expresses something embarrassing about another person, we are quickly pushed behind the back of our "protector" with a front vest "sssshh, you don't say that" and then you pretend as if nothing has happened.

Taking my vote

When did our voice become unimportant? Could it be that we are being used as a cudgel for a completely wrong and unfounded opinion, and if so, when did we allow this to start happening? I feel used, disregarded and ignored by these people in power who repeatedly put words in my mouth and with mild force squeeze my jaw shut and then pull out the words they themselves put in my mouth.

They simply take my voice and with my voice they say words that I myself do not stand for, that I would never have said myself because for me they are not true.

What has raised the issue is the black market that exists. Especially with disposable models.

Disposable models - for better or worse

It has not escaped anyone's notice how disposables have entered the country with a gigantic bang and the market is oversaturated with different brands and flavors and I would personally say that it is for better or worse.

On the one hand, it is an easy way to get smokers to try something that is actually better for their health and it does not require a major investment. Roughly the same price as a pack of better quality cigarettes.

Unfortunately, the price also brings with it something of an evil. What 15-year-old today can't scrape together a hundred bucks for a disposable vape?

Problems that can be solved

Now, 15-year-olds are not allowed to buy disposables. It is a nicotine product just like cigarettes and snus, but unfortunately there are a lot of traders who have dollar signs in their eyes and simply do not care about rules, as long as the money comes in. To curb this, more regular checks are needed by municipalities, which already have difficulty prioritizing due to lack of time and money. But this is a problem that can be solved with resources and knowledge.

Clear rules on what applies

The next point is the "amount of use".

There are a few rules about one-offs, but in general terms this applies:
1. Nicotine strength. It may have a maximum nicotine strength of 20mg/ml.
2. Amount of liquid. It must contain a maximum of 2 ml of liquid - enough for around 800 puffs - no more.
3. it must be checked and approved by the FHM and have an ECID.

It sounds great on paper, it really does, but with a couple of quick keystrokes and mouse clicks you can find disposable 5000 packs of varying nicotine strengths, sometimes over 20 mg/ml, at a price that makes the Swedish market price look like extortionate. A couple more clicks and a package is on its way home, without any form of age control.

The internet is a thing, right?

Now we come to what at least I see as the big problem. We humans like to have contact with others. We discuss, argue and congregate both face-to-face, but also via the internet. So do young people. Usually to a greater extent than us older guys. Snapchat, Messenger, etc. often have larger groups of individuals and unfortunately you often hear that someone bought disposables via one of these networks. Often devices that are clearly not registered with the Public Health Agency and, given the price they pay, definitely not taxed.

Stop putting words in our mouths

So, what can we do about these situations that we are de facto dealing with?

The first is the easiest. Stop dumbing people down and putting words in their mouths, dear politicians. It can't be that hard to actually listen to people instead of assuming you know what we want.

Check, check CHECK!

The second one is a bit trickier, but here the state can certainly get its control needs met. MORE CONTROLS! Check shops, ALL shops. That they have approved products. That they check IDs. There is simply nothing about it that I think is wrong. Nicotine IS addictive and it SHOULD NOT be traded among the young. Make sure that customs checks more so that black imports are prevented.

Educate parents - but in the right way

Give parents and educators CORRECT INFORMATION about the different products, not a lot of untruths about "Yes, if you try a vejp, you will soon be sitting on the bench with a load of heroin going into your arm".

If you reading this ARE one of those politicians who actually cares about your constituents. Take a few steps into your nearest REAL e-cigarette store, not the local corner kiosk or gas station, and ask questions. I can guarantee that the people working with the products will be happy to give you information. So much information, in fact, that you can arm yourself with one of the most powerful weapons available in today's society: accurate information.

Mathias Norman
Road manager, store manager, writer

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