Entrepreneurs act against black market for e-cigs

The industry organization for electronic cigarettes is now mobilizing to tackle the growing black market for e-cigarettes in Sweden. The organization recently reported several websites selling illegal vapes to the Public Health Agency of Sweden and plans to do so systematically in the future.
"In addition to the hidden black market trade on social media, it is also through these types of websites that minors get hold of e-cigarettes today" says Daniel Leis, shop owner and member of BELC.

Recently, companies in the e-cigarette industry have noticed several websites where e-cigs, especially disposable models, are launched. These are often sales that take place via Swedish e-commerce platforms. Easy to set up with integrated payment systems. 

"There is definitely a lack of age verification - often no age verification at all - on these sites, as can be seen, for example, in one of the reviews where a person boasts that they ordered without knowing their age." says Daniel Leis which runs Vapes in Lidköping and Gothenburg.

6000 flares = illegal model

But even if the age checks had worked, the products sold on the sites are often completely illegal to sell, both in Sweden and Europe. Niklas Linder, who runs Swedish Mixology and is a member of the BELC board, says it's quite obvious when a shop tries to sell products that are not allowed in Sweden.

"A trained eye can immediately see what's going on, especially when it comes to disposable vapes. Excessive nicotine content, sometimes up to 50 mg/ml, promises of "6000 puffs" and way too much e-juice in the container are sure signs" says Niklas Linder.

Tough rules for sales

The rules on which products can be marketed in Sweden is strictly. Each product (except nicotine-free e-juice) must be registered with Public Health Agency of Sweden six months before it can be sold. In addition, to be approved, the product must comply with the criteria of the European Tobacco Products Directive. This means, among other things, that the nicotine content of an e-juice must not exceed 20 mg/ml and that the amount of e-juice in pre-filled containers must not exceed 2 ml. 

"A disposable model that lasts more than 800 puffs is guaranteed to contain more e-juice than the 2 ml that is the maximum limit under the law. Such a model would therefore never be approved in Sweden." says Niklas Linder.

New websites all the time

Two of the websites (all-sales and leostod) that were noticed by BELC members were quickly taken down by QuickButik - the platform used by companies to organize sales. Daniel Leis says that QuickButik has acted with exemplary speed, but warns that more rogue traders are appearing all the time.

"We need to actively make Swedish e-commerce platforms aware that their customers may use their service for illegal activities. The payment services that allow the transactions must also start taking responsibility and set higher standards for the sale of regulated products. Daniel Leis.

Different authorities share responsibility

The Public Health Agency of Sweden is responsible for controlling the sale of e-cigarettes online. According to the law, products must not be marketed more than necessary, while all products on sale must be registered with the authority. Municipalities are responsible for ensuring that physical shops comply with the law and control the shops in their area.

"Need to monitor the market better"

According to Daniel Leis In 2023, BELC will continuously receive tips on the illegal sale of e-cigarettes, to be forwarded to the relevant authorities.

"When it comes to illegal sales, it's clearly us shop owners who need to get to grips with this. But if there is to be order in illegal sales, it is very important that the Public Health Agency monitors the market better than they do today, that the municipalities communicate with the industry and that the police understand what is happening," says Daniel Leis.

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