USA: Approves more IQOS flavors - bans traditional e-liquids

UNITED STATES. More and more heat-not-burn products are being approved for the US market. At the same time, authorities are continuously banning the majority of traditional e-liquids for e-cigarettes, reports the online magazine Filter.

Three new flavors of Heets, the modified tobacco used in Philip Morris' IQOS heat-not-burn system, were recently approved for sale in the United States. This follows an extensive review by the FDA, which requires evidence that the products are suitable to protect public health. 

Uncertain research on IQOS

Heated tobacco is likely to have harm reduction effects for smokers, but according to UK health authorities, who are leaders in tobacco harm reduction research, the technology is not as proven as traditional e-cigarettes using e-liquid. Traditional vejping, according to British Health Authority, the risk of harm from nicotine use by almost 95%.

The chances of quitting smoking also increase significantly if the smoker uses e-cigarettes, according to UK authorities. The NHS recommends Therefore, e-cigarettes, alongside traditional nicotine medicines, are used in smoking cessation. However, UK authorities are cautious when it comes to IQOS and heat-not-burn products.

"There is currently no convincing clinical evidence that heat-not-burn technology helps smokers to quit smoking. However, there is moderate evidence that heat-not-burn products reduce the amount of hazardous substances inhaled by the user compared to cigarette smoke," writes the UK Health Protection Agency in its report "Vaping in England - 2022"

Has an effect on cigarette sales

Although heat-not-burn products are relatively untested by independent research, they have likely had effect on the tobacco market in some parts of the world. This is especially true in countries where traditional nicotine e-cigarettes are not available due to some kind of ban, writes FilterMag. 

"In Japan, where e-liquid with nicotine is not allowed to be sold, cigarette sales have fallen by 46% in favor of IQOS." writes the magazine.

"Tobacco companies benefit from the FDA"

The decision to approve the new flavors for IQOS has drawn attention to the FDA's approach to regulating e-cigarettes. To get an alternative nicotine product approved for sale in the United States, individual companies must pay for expensive studies while proving that the products do not risk attracting young non-smokers.

Tobacco products such as snus and heat-not-burn variants make it through the trials. At the same time not a single e-liquid (or e-cigarette) that does not have the "tobacco" flavor profile has been approved by the agency. Since the FDA began reviewing the more than 6 million applications for authorization submitted by both large and small vejp companies, only a handful of products have been approved. These are exclusively closed pod systems where all but one model (Njoy) are produced by different tobacco companies.

"The decision will certainly increase the availability of harm-reducing alternatives to cigarettes. But it is also a reminder that the current legislation and process favor well-funded manufacturers, mainly those linked to the tobacco industry" writes FilterMag.

Sources for this article:
Office for Health Improvement & Disparities: Nicotine Vaping in England 2022 - evidence update
Article in Filter: FDA Authorizes More Heated Tobacco Products, Rejects More Vapes

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