Ahead of new EU rules: Vejpare urged to tell their story

Several organizations are now calling on vejp users and nicotine users to have their say on future EU rules for e-cigs and nicotine pouches.
"The best thing vejpers and other nicotine users can do is tell their story. Politicians are listening. How did you quit smoking? What flavors do you use? It matters!" says Michael Landl, World Vapers Alliance

Since the European Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) started to include vejp products in 2016, the cross-border rules have been implemented in most EU countries. The rules have affected virtually the entire market, for both users and entrepreneurs. Clear examples are the maximum size of e-juice bottles containing nicotine (10 ml), the size of tanks (max 2ml - a rule that does not actually fully apply in Sweden), a nicotine concentration cap of 20mg/ml, and severe restrictions on marketing and advertising. In addition, every part of an e-cigarette (whether it is a packet of vaporizer, e-juice, tank or mod) must have a clear nicotine warning stuck on the packet.

Businesses and users adapted

In the shadow of the TPD rules, companies have found solutions to sell their products in a more consumer-friendly way. Larger bottles of nicotine-free e-liquid, known as shortfills, with space for a concentrated nicotine additive have become standard for those using lower nicotine strengths (3-12 mg/ml). Those who want a tank with more space can easily change the glass of their tank to a larger one. And so on.

TPD has missed the target

According to many observers, the TPD rules have therefore missed the mark - largely due to ignorance of how e-cigarettes and vejpning work in practice. The TPD was based on the regulation of smoking products. But vejpning and e-cigs do not smoke like cigarettes. It's more about technology, cooking and individual customization. The result was rules that no one understood the point of. In the UK, which recently left the EUHealth policy makers, together with users and researchers, are discussing the possibility of removing large parts of the TPD that have become part of the legislation. The aim is to increase the availability of alternative nicotine products and to entice smokers to switch to vejping.

Damage minimization part of the plan

In the coming year, the TPD is due to be evaluated and revised. New nicotine products have appeared on the market, such as nicotine pouches, and today's e-cigarettes are very different from those available before 2016.

At the same time, the EU has launched its Beating Cancer Plan an initiative to fight cancer. One of the objectives is a tobacco-free EU (where less than 5% smoke) by 2040. Today, almost 20% of the population smokes (compared to 5% in Sweden). When the plan was passed by the EU Parliament, a paragraph on harm reduction was included. According to the Parliament, it is important to get more smokers to switch to less harmful nicotine products. At the same time, Parliament stresses that the EU should consider limiting flavorings in harm reduction products such as e-cigarettes and nicotine pouches. All to prevent young people and non-smokers from becoming addicted to nicotine.

The importance of enhancing flavors

Critics say the EU Parliament risks painting itself into a corner. It will be very difficult to find a balance where products competing in the market with traditional cigarettes cannot even taste good. The risk is that smoking will continue to be the most popular way of using nicotine, both for minors and adults. Michael Landl, Director General of World Vapers Alliance therefore calls on all nicotine users to tell the European Commission how harm reduction products work in practice.

"Tell your story. You can get help to formulate your story via our website. Or write briefly and clearly about what e-cigarettes mean to you, how you quit smoking and what flavors worked for you. We know from experience that politicians are willing to listen to users' stories - everyone can influence the future" says Michael Landl.

EU consultation page on new nicotine products (you need to register to participate - can be done via Facebook, Google or manually)

World Vapers Alliance campaign page (tips, advice and text inspiration template)

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1 Comment on “Inför nya EU-regler: Vejpare uppmanas att berätta sin historia

  1. I cringed when I heard Yasmine Bladelius's ranting contempt for "Ann-Mari 69 years" who has stopped smoking "thanks to e-cigarettes", which she claims do not exist but are some kind of campaign robot called "the market". According to her rhetoric, no 69-year-old is awake at half past three in the morning and probably "Ann-Mari" does not manage to email either. And, of course, she doesn't like bubblegum!
    The thing is that I have sent several emails to politicians regarding idiotic proposals when it comes to e-cigarettes. I am not 69 anymore but 71, have vejpat since 2014. As a pensioner and night owl, I can devote myself to reading, surfing and emailing with a clear conscience and sleep as long as I want. I have smoked since my teens, with shorter breaks during pregnancies. (1 pack./day) Got a carbon diagnosis more than 10 years ago. Intensified my stop-smoking projects with all possible methods. Nicotine products, medication, stop smoking courses, therapy etc. The last time I smoked tobacco was October 14, 2014. I used portion snuff and angrily clenched fists, or restlessly knitting long scarves. After two months of constant high nicotine content and sour stomach, an e-cig happened to appear when the snus box was astray. (Which my daughter had bought in U-sala and "forgotten" with me)
    I was amazed at how well it worked. I was able to finish the whole movie without feeling restless and empty inside. Then it was finished. Immediately started exploring the "market" online, living in Gävle, but found LYF in Uddevalla. Many mods and thoughts have passed since then. Started with 36mg nicotine strength on the juice. Has long been down to 3mg. My asthma and carbon nurse thought my lungs were so much better since I stopped smoking. After two years I told her that I vejpade, she was surprised and congratulated me. But added; that she was not allowed to recommend e-cigs, officially that is. (Giggle..) Also preached a little about the UK's public health authorities' attitude to the matter and how we can save both lives and money.
    Ps. The modest Bladelius' assumption that aunts/husbands/wives don't like bubblegum flavor is correct. It should be raspberry licorice or later cool fruit flavors.
    Anna H. Gävle.

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