We need to talk about the taste ban - What can YOU do now?

Postcards, emails, demonstrations, videos, phone calls. Opposition to the government's taste ban is in full swing. But what is the political situation? And what can you do as a user to influence politicians? Vejpkollen clarifies the concepts and gives some tips.

There are a number of threads appearing on our forums about the taste ban that the government wants to introduce in Sweden. I'm not going to go into details about what the ban means (read articles about this here) But nonetheless, it is important that we all pull in the same direction right now. This text is about the political situation and what YOU - yes, YOU - can do to influence the politicians who decide on the taste ban.
Clue: it actually looks quite bright!

Lobby, lobby, lobby

But first things first. Lobbying takes time and costs money. So the first thing to do is:
To support lobbying! Because it works, beyond expectations!

Join the The Swedish vejpare Association (now part of NNA Sweden). Visit the website smakforbudet.se (read more below about what you need to know about the parties in Parliament before you send anything). And support Vejpkollen via Patreon.

The tasting ban has been planned for a long time

Via Vejpkollen, I have been monitoring how politicians relate to e-cigarettes for almost 3 years (first article about a Swedish taste ban I actually wrote already in the fall of 2019). 2020 I interviewed all party representatives about their views on everything from flavorings to e-cigs as a phenomenon and as a tool for smoking cessation. It became a series of articles in Vejpkollen. It therefore did not come as a shock when government inquiry and bill steamed down last year. The government (s) had planned it, in consultation with both interest groups (lobby) and the public health authority, long.

E-cigarettes on the agenda

But since the taste ban became a concrete legislative proposal a lot has happened in the political space. E-cigarettes have now become an issue that concerns the parties in parliament: they must now take a clear position on what they think about vejpning and what e-cigarette use really means. During the fall and spring, many; private individuals, the industry association BELC, the user association (FSV/NNA Sweden) and Vejpkollen have contacted politicians to raise the issue of e-cigarettes and the taste ban.

They listen to the US - too

Now we see the results.
Several parties are actually on our side in this, although they do so for different reasons. I see it in their supplementary motions where they react to the government's bill. I hear it when I interview them or just talk to them in other contexts. It's clear that many of them have actually listened to what those of us who vejpar and/or work with e-cigarettes have to say. They also listen to other groups, like snus users and various interests in the nicotine industry, for example. But this is, of course, against a backdrop of other lobbying organizations pushing hard for the taste ban to become a reality. It is a battle to be heard and seen. And you are both seen and heard. And you know what? Right now, all we need is for one party, among those who are unsure, to say no. Then there will be no taste ban.

The current political situation

The political situation around the taste ban is as follows (I'll put some tips on what YOU can do to influence at each post):

The opposition who are against

The Moderates, the Sweden Democrats and Centers are AGAINST the taste ban. These are parties that want to see clear harm minimization in tobacco policy. M and SD see e-cigs (along with snus and nicotine pouches) as tools to reduce and contain the harmful effects of nicotine use in Sweden. They therefore say "hands off" to the government's flavor ban. "We should encourage smokers to quit smoking and switch to less harmful nicotine products. For some, this may be e-cigarettes," the Moderates write.

The C party basically agrees, but bases its criticism mainly on the fact that the government has already promised to investigate the risks posed by flavors and e-cigs. They want to wait for that investigation before deciding on a possible ban. They also call for a proper impact assessment of a ban - will the black market and private imports make the flavor ban ineffective and actually make the situation worse?

What to do: Encourage M, SD and C to keep doing what they are doing - say thank you and cheer them on! Give them arguments. Point to independent research, especially that showing that flavored e-cigarettes and tobacco cigarettes are substitutes - that is, if one becomes less attractive, the attractiveness of the other increases. And vice versa. They can use that when they argue on Risk Day.

The opposition that is unsafe:

Christian Democrats are a bit wobbly (although KD leans towards a no). KD also thinks that harm reduction should be part of tobacco policy, just like the other bourgeois parties. KD agrees with the others that we should make a difference between different nicotine products in terms of legislation. KD was also involved in calling for an investigation into the harmfulness of different nicotine products in relation to cigarettes and smoking.

What to do:  KD you should encourage them to STUDY the issue more before they take a position on a ban - something that other parties in the opposition think is obvious. Tell them your story - how you quit smoking - tell them why different flavors work to keep you smoke free. Ask them to find out more about vejping and harm reduction from a smoker's perspective.


The Liberals have previously leaned towards saying YES. Right now, however, they are lying low on the taste ban. It may be a tactic, a way to gain maneuvering space in parliament. BUT it may also be that the party is changing its mind about tobacco and harm reduction. Could it be that there is a value in keeping e-cigarettes in society?

What are you going to do? Encourage L to think about his/her position on the issue. Tell him about your journey from smoker to vejper. Tell how you feel now, compared to when you smoked. Tell them that your choice of flavor was important to your success. Ask L to at least investigate and get more information from consumers BEFORE they pass a ban. Might also be worth mentioning that it might not be very liberal to categorically ban something as complicated as flavorings. They, if any, should stand up for free choice and a science-based policy when it comes to e-cigarettes.

The Left Party - what's happening?

The Left Party is (probably) FOR a taste ban. But they are not sure it will work as intended. Will it really keep young people away from e-cigs? What is the risk of vejpers going back to smoking? V proposes that the government is investigating the effects of a ban, two years after its possible implementation. It may sound strange, but it is.

What to do: There are many indications that something has happened within the Left. In the past, the left has categorically condemned all nicotine products. Now they are a little worried that vejpare will go back to smoking again, if the ban is implemented. In other words, the Left has started CHANGE about e-cigs and harm reduction. Have they listened (a little) discreetly to us users? Maybe they have. In any case, things are moving in the right direction.

Nevertheless, we are still convinced that some flavors are only there to attract non-smokers and children. And that an age limit is not enough to solve the 'problem'. So more people need to contact V and tell their story, tell us about the importance of flavors, that "bubblegum" and mango actually appeal to you too - an adult ex-smoker - and that the flavors actually keep you smoke-free. Tell us what you think! 

Ask them to investigate the consequences of a ban BEFORE and not after it is implemented (Compare with how S handles the drug issue - where all use is criminalized and users are so stigmatized that they do not dare to seek care - is this how V sees the future nicotine users?) Ask them to vote NO and instead find out more about how you as a user see it. And be nice! The left needs encouragement, not scolding 😉

New website and more activism

The industry, users and Vejpkollen have worked together to develop a website: smakfobudet.se. There is good information on what the taste ban means and also contact forms for our politicians.

One key to lobbying is organization. The Swedish Vejpare association has recently become part of NNA Sweden - an organization that fights for harm reduction for smokers in several ways (snus, nicotine pouches, e-cigs - you name it). Vejpkollen has the ambition to help the association reach out to our politicians (letters and meetings with politicians have taken place during the spring). It is free to join NNA Sweden - voluntary membership fee for those who want to support and have the right to vote at the annual meeting. The chairman is Karl-Ã…ke Johansson - vejpare since 10 years back and known from Sweden's many vejpforum on Facebook.

And finally:

Please follow and support Vejpkollen.se - so this is the magazine I started 2019 and still running partly with the aim of creating a relevant and clear interface between us users and our politicians. I have been monitoring vejpning and politics both in Sweden and the world for almost three years. I do this on a voluntary basis, with support from Patreon (thanks to everyone who pitches in every month). It's been worth every second of hard work - especially now, when we're facing a strict taste ban. Good contacts with our politicians are more important than ever.
If you do not already do so, you are welcome to join Vejpkollens Patreon for 25+ kr a month 😉 It helps me a lot! 

Now go out and make a difference! You know you can!

Yours sincerely
Stefan Mathisson
Editor-in-chief and publisher in charge

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