Left Party: yes to taste ban - "Don't want to favor tobacco companies"

The Left Party will vote in favor of a taste ban. The reason is the concern that flavors attract young people and that this benefits the tobacco companies.

"But it is important that we investigate the effects of the ban within two years", says Karin Rågsjö (v), spokesperson on health issues in the Social Affairs Committee.

The parties are now beginning to take a position on the issue of a ban on the taste of e-cigarettes ahead of the debate in the Social Affairs Committee. The government's proposal means that all flavors except those that give "a distinct aroma and taste of tobacco" will be banned from sale in Sweden. Karin Rågsjö (v) thinks that the proposal is appropriate.

"It's about young people not taking up smoking, really. Although vejping is not the same as smoking, it can be a gateway to cigarette use" says Karin Rågsjö to Vejpkollen.

Will follow up on the ban

Karin Rågsjö also believes that e-cigarettes have a role to play for smokers who have switched to vejpa. 

"We want the government to monitor and evaluate the impact of the ban on young people's tobacco use. Is it really reducing use? But we also need to know if it has led to e-cigarette users going back to smoking. Or if fewer smokers are switching to e-cigarettes" says Karin Rågsjö.

Isn't it better to study the consequences first, before legislating?

"It's hard to know these things in advance. We think it's important that we do something about youth use. I find it hard to understand why e-cigarettes should taste like candy" says Karin Rågsjö.

Many interests

According to Karin Rågsjö e-cigarettes is a complex area where many stakeholders have interests. Roadside vendors and specialized vejpshoppers are just two of several groups that policy needs to take into account.

"E-cigarettes are not just for enthusiasts and small businesses. If e-cigs help people stop smoking, that's great. But the big tobacco companies also have interests here and we must not forget that. That's why we want to get at the flavorings," says Karin Rågsjö.

Does not want to favor tobacco companies

Karin Rågsjö believes that there is a risk that the Social Affairs Committee protects or supports the sale of products that ultimately benefit the tobacco companies, if you do not act against flavorings.

"Tobacco companies are looking for new ways to make money. Cigarette sales are declining - and they are investing in e-cigs and nicotine pouches instead. It is important for the government to highlight what we think is good and less good about this development," says Karin Rågsjö to Vejpkollen.

Expecting a discussion

The taste ban has been strongly opposed by other parties in Parliament. At present, it is clear that the moderates, the Sweden Democrats and Center Party will vote against the proposal.

"It will probably be a tough discussion in committee" notes Karin Rågsjö.

Parliament votes on June 21

The taste ban is part of the draft law Tighter rules for new nicotine products. The proposal also includes legislation for tobacco-free nicotine pouches - products that, unlike e-cigarettes, are previously unregulated. Parliament will vote on the bill on June 21.

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1 Comment on “Vänsterpartiet: ja till smakförbud – ”Vill inte gynna tobaksbolagen”

  1. Strange reasoning this about the "big bad tobacco companies". The vast majority of manufacturers of both hardware and e-juices are small and medium-sized enterprises. Why this strange factual resistance and stubbornness all the time? The fact that traditional cigarette manufacturers also have their own vejp products, heat-not-burn, etc. does not seem to me to be a problem. As long as there is a demand for cigarettes, they will continue to sell them. That the mafia takes over that business is no one's gain. The fact that some countries are doing everything to oppose e-cigs and other alternatives does not make things better. In addition, it can be added that the countries that have had the highest proportion of the population smoking were not the capitalist United States but countries such as Bulgaria, Poland, the Soviet Union and China with fully state-owned tobacco companies without any advertising and marketing.

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