Unclear how (KD) and (L) stand on the taste ban

The Liberals and the Christian Democrats are waiting to give their opinion on the government's proposed ban on e-cigarettes and e-liquid. At the same time, the parties call for better knowledge about e-cigarettes and their risks.

The Liberals do not mention the flavor ban in their response to the government bill "Tighter rules for new nicotine products". However, the party believes that the issue of e-cigarettes should be better investigated.

"Regarding the risks of e-cigarettes and the liquids used, we see a need for more research on the risk factors of these products," the Liberals write in their follow-up motion.

No own motion from KD

The Christian Democrats (kd) are also waiting to comment on the government's proposal to ban flavorings in e-liquid and e-cigarettes.

"We knew that there would be various motions from other parties that we would be able to take a position on during the upcoming preparation in the committee. That's why we didn't submit our own motion," Pia Steensland, who represents the Christian Democratic Party in the Social Affairs Committee, told Vejpkollen.

Critical of (s) strategy on ANDTS

At the same time, Pia Steensland is critical of the government's failure to develop a better strategy for alcohol, drugs, gambling and tobacco. Like the other opposition parties, Pia Steensland wants to see an ANDTS strategy that has proper support in Parliament. 

"Now we have an ANDTS strategy that only the government, i.e. in practice only the Social Democrats, support. Parliament has very clearly rejected their previous proposals for a strategy and made concrete suggestions on how it can be improved. Unfortunately, they have not managed to improve it", says Pia Steensland.

Harm reduction in tobacco policy

Parliament decided as recently as last year to vote down government ANDTS strategy on the grounds that it was too vague. The Riksdag also wanted to introduce a harm reduction perspective to the issue of tobacco and nicotine products. Despite this, the government has presented a new proposal for an ANDTS strategy that neither mentions harm reduction nor differentiates between different nicotine products in terms of risks. However, the government is launching a study of the harmfulness of different nicotine products in relation to each other. This study will be completed in spring 2023.

Awaiting discussion in the Social Affairs Committee

However, Pia Steensland does not want to go into more detail about how the Christian Democrats relate to either the taste ban or the investigation. At least not yet.

"We will be discussing the issue in the Social Affairs Committee in the coming month. I can't say more now," she told Vejpkollen.

The Social Affairs Committee is considering the proposal for Tighter rules for new nicotine products from May 10 to early June. Parliament will vote on the proposal on June 21. The Moderates, Centers and the Sweden Democrats to reject the part of the government proposal to ban flavors in e-cigarettes.

More to read about the taste ban:

Liberal motion on the occasion of Bill 2021/22:200 Tighter rules for new nicotine products Motion 2021/22:4651 by Barbro Westerholm and others (L)

Government proposal: Tighter rules for new nicotine products
Bill 2021/22:200

Previous articles: Moderates reject government's taste ban
(c) says no to taste ban

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