How vejps will save their flavors - several campaigns underway

Businesses in Sweden are mobilizing to stop the government's taste ban. Using videos, postcards and emails, customers are reaching out to politicians - and spreading the message:
"Flavors are key to staying smoke-free using e-cigs" says Victor Bryn-Jensen, President of the industry association BELC.

The person who ordered e-juice or anything else from a Swedish vejpshop in the last week may have received a surprise in the package. A small bottle containing "The e-juice of tomorrow". Exciting? Well, no.

"The bottle is empty. Because that's what it will look like if the government's taste ban becomes reality. We want to remind customers that many vejpshoppes will go out of business if the government gets its way" says Victor Bryn-Jensen, Chairman of the the trade association for electronic cigarettes, BELC.

Sharp situation at the end of March

This week the government's proposal, which will ban in principle all flavorings e-liquids, the Legislative Council. This was done without remark, Now the government is likely to present a sharp proposal to the parliament by March 22. Parliament will then vote on the proposal within one to two weeks.

Unclear what should be allowed

If the proposal goes through, only e-juices with "a distinct smell and taste of tobacco"  be allowed on the shelves.

"The government doesn't even bother to define what a tobacco flavor is or how to control it. At the same time, it affects over 90% of all e-juices sold in shops. It's a completely crazy proposal that will only increase cigarette sales and put a lot of small businesses out of business." Victor Bryn-Jensen.

Taste ban - also for nicotine-free

The new law will apply to both nicotine-containing and nicotine-free e-juices. This means that even so-called shortfills (where the user can refill the nicotine separately) must taste like 'tobacco'. If the government has its way. At the same time, it is difficult to know where to draw the line. Victor Bryn-Jensen notes that the government consistently avoids defining what an e-liquid actually is. 

"It opens the question of what a so-called flavor essence, or a concentrate, should count as? Will it count as an e-juice?" says Victor Bryn-Jensen.

Could be a loophole

Concentrates must be mixed with glycerine to function as e-juice and cannot be used as is in an e-cigarette. Furthermore, flavor essences and concentrates are already regulated via the Chemicals Act and are not specifically mentioned in the draft law. This would provide a loophole to keep flavors in some e-liquids in the future. But so far, no one knows.

"Opinions are divided on whether flavor essences will also be included in the ban. It is not technically an e-liquid. But since the intention may be to use it to flavor an e-liquid with a different "smell or taste is tobacco", it may well be banned. But right now it's extremely unclear and just confusing," says Victor Bryn-Jensen.

Asks customers to contact politicians

While distributing empty juice bottles, BELC encourages customers to actively contact politicians. Via email or pre-addressed postcards distributed in the shops.

"Tell them that flavors matter. We can say it all we want and can prove it with our sales statistics, but it matters less. It has to come from a vejper, a voter, who is actually affected by the new law. What happens if your favorite flavor goes away?" says Victor Bryn-Jensen.

Make a movie to spread the word

BELC has also launched a project to collect 'testimonials' from its customers on film. Linus Gustavsson, which is behind Koyuki vapor, encourages vejp shoppers to help customers by recording a short movie clip. The film will then be sent to BELC to be edited together with other stories. The aim is to show the importance of flavors in smoking cessation in real life. 

"It is incredibly important that this message is clear" says Linus Gustafsson. "Politicians need to understand that everyone likes different things and the wide variety of flavors we have today is the key to smoke-free for us vejpers. Right now it seems that no one in government believes that. Then movies - with real faces and voices can help. Telling us that "tobacco flavor" is a good alternative is like telling an alcoholic to stop drinking vodka-flavored soft drinks" says Linus Gustavsson

Overview of the harm reduction debate in Sweden

Last year, Parliament voted down the government's proposal for a new ANDTS strategy. One of the reasons was the lack of clear measures to reduce the harm caused by smoking. Parliament wants to see a study comparing different nicotine products and their harm profiles with smoking. This should be done before any restrictive measures are introduced. The centre-right opposition also wants to introduce a harm reduction perspective in tobacco policy, which would probably be affected by a sweeping taste ban. Read more about the Parliament's decision here:

The government's tobacco policy fell in Parliament - "Do it again, do it right!"

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