Youth unions rail against Non Smoking Generation - "Undemocratic"

The government-backed Non Smoking Generation tried to stop young politicians from participating in a discussion on smoking and harm reduction. The reason was that the seminar was organized by the tobacco company Philip Morris.
"The Non Smoking Generation has an attitude towards freedom of expression that has no place in a democratic society", says Réka Tolnai, President of the Central Union of Youth (CUF)

Read also: Young politicians want to promote less harmful nicotine use

Tobacco company Philip Morris organized a seminar on Monday entitled "A smoke-free Sweden - what happens next?" All political youth associations were invited to the call. But only three showed up. It turned out that everyone who had been invited had received an email from the government-backed Non Smoking Generation. They urged politicians not to participate in talks with the tobacco industry.

"There was incredible scaremongering in the letter. They more or less say that people who use snus should never have children. I find that deeply remarkable. Our job is to talk about our policies and to listen to different interest groups. I replied to everyone in the thread that they should more or less ignore who we talk to," says Tobias Andersson, spokesperson for the Young Swedes, who nevertheless chose to participate in the seminar.

Criticism of harm reduction

According to Non Smoking Generation the discussion on harm reduction for smokers lacks scientific basis. 

"Tobacco products do not promote health. The Swedish population does not need nicotine." writes Helen Stjerna, Secretary General of Non Smoking Generation in the letter to politicians

The issue of tobacco harm reduction is also included in the WHO Tobacco Convention. However, the debate on new nicotine products is fraught with widely differing views on how to deal with them in practice - both in terms of interpreting the science and legislation. Officially, the WHO believes that e-cigarettes and other alternatives to cigarettes should be restricted in the same way as cigarettes, a position that has been heavily criticized by hundreds of scientists and health experts.

Want a nuanced debate

"It is clear that the issue of harm reduction is charged and incredibly conflictual" says Tobias Andersson. "Those who choose to minimize all contact with an important industry are likely to do so because of pressure from other interest groups. And that's very sad, because one of the reasons for these conflicts is that we don't actually have a nuanced debate on tobacco and nicotine." Tobias Andersson.

Not compatible with democracy

Réka Tolnai, President of the Center Party's youth federation CUF, also reacted strongly to Non Smoking Generation's call.

"For me, it goes without saying that, in a democratic society, we should have a dialogue with different organizations and companies. And that we, as political representatives, can be neutral in our professional practice. I am very concerned that established organizations like Non Smoking Generation are doing this. It indicates that they have an attitude that does not belong in a democracy like Sweden." she says.

"Need to talk to the industry"

Réka Tolnai believes that dialogue with the industry is important for the development and future of public health.

"Those of us who will be making decisions on these issues in the future will have to talk to the people working on them. We would probably all come to a meeting, even with the Non Smoking Generation, if they invited us."

Want to promote nicotine medicines

Non Smoking generation is run through a foundation with a mission to combat smoking and tobacco use in Sweden. The foundation received (2020) almost three million from the state and county councils to run its activities. The foundation also reports two million in contributions from other, unnamed, interest organizations and companies that support the lobbying work for various reasons. The NSG has on several occasions in the past stated that politicians violate the WHO Tobacco Convention if they even meet with representatives of the tobacco industry. According to the NSG, all nicotine products, except nicotine medicines, severely restricted or banned.

Becomes distressed

Ulrika Karlsson (m), Member of Parliament and UN Health Policy Advisor, reacted with concern to the actions of Non Smoking Generations.

"I was concerned that they were so clearly targeting youth organizations, and that they are putting so much pressure on them on this issue. The Non Smoking Generation has the right to spread its views. But those of us who believe in freedom of expression must also stand up for it," she said during the discussion, which was broadcast live online on Monday.

A smoke-free Sweden, what happens next?
Twitter thread about the letter from Non Smoking Generation

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1 Comment on “Ungdomsförbund ryter till mot Non Smoking Generation – ”Odemokratiska”

  1. No wonder about their attitude to freedom of expression, given that it is a totalitarian prohibitionist movement with modern roots in the Third Reich.

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