SD: "Make it a crime to sell cigarettes and raise the age limit"

The Sweden Democrats want to raise the age limit for buying cigarettes and make it a crime to sell to minors.
"It should be a criminal offense to buy, sell or give away cigarettes to someone who is underage, similar to the laws that exist for alcohol". This is what MP Angelica Lundberg (SD) writes in a motion to Parliament.

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According to the World Health Organization (WHO), smoking causes over eight million deaths a year. And according to the Public Health Agency of Sweden, smoking is responsible for 8% of all deaths in Sweden. According to Angelica Lundberg, more efforts are needed to reduce smoking. She sees the extended smoking bans and bans on flavored cigarettes in recent years as insufficient. The measures can also backfire, she says.

"Cigarettes and smoking tobacco are still legal to sell in Sweden and banning smoking in more and more places could easily be perceived as a witch hunt." writes Angelica Lundberg.

Raising the age limits

Angelica Lundberg says the government and parliament can help more people quit smoking, but also prevent young people from starting. According to Angelica Lundberg, raising the age limit is therefore an important tool.

"By gradually raising the age limit for buying cigarettes by one year at a time, we could phase out smoking. Those who are 18 today, and thus not allowed to buy cigarettes, would not be allowed to do so after their 18th birthday." writes Angelica Lundberg.

Buying out cigarettes is a crime

At the same time, we want to Angelica Lundberg make cigarette repair a criminal offense. Today, only the sale itself is illegal. The seller is responsible for ensuring that cigarettes (but also e-cigarettes and e-liquid containing nicotine) does not obviously end up with someone who is under 18.

"It would be reasonable to make it a criminal offense to buy, sell or give cigarettes to someone who is underage. Similar to the laws on alcohol, this would also prevent dealing" writes Angelica Lundberg

The motion will be considered by Parliament in the fall.

Motion: Preventing young people from becoming smokers

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