The government's tobacco policy fell in Parliament - "Do it again, do it right!"

The government's planned tobacco policy was dealt a major blow when 6 out of 8 parties in the Riksdag voted against the new ANDTS strategy. The focus was on snus, e-cigarettes and other nicotine products, but also on the high death rates among drug users.

After a debate in Parliament, the government's strategy to combat alcohol, drugs, tobacco, doping and gambling (ANDTS) over the next five years failed. Six out of eight parties voted down the proposal. Instead, they asked the government to come back with a new strategy that, among other things, differentiates between different nicotine products in terms of harmfulness. "Do it again - do it right!" was the parliament's message to the government.

Want to make the difference between smoke and smoke-free

As Vejpkollen previously reported, it was already clear that the government's ANDTS strategy would not be voted on by Parliament. The week before, Parliament's drafting body announced, Social Committeethat the strategy was not up to scratch. The committee made several proposals for changes. These included that the government should set up an inquiry to clarify the differences between smoking tobacco and other nicotine products. 

"Tobacco smoking is by far one of the most serious public health problems in the world. It is described by the WHO as a global epidemic. We are critical of the fact that the government still does not make a clear distinction between the harmful effects of tobacco smoking versus the use of snus and other smokeless nicotine products" said Per Ramhorn (S&D).

All nicotine products under one roof

According to the government, the Swedish tobacco control strategy should not differentiate between different products containing nicotine. Regardless of the harmful effects of the products. This would have major consequences for snus and e-cigarette users in the country. The Center Party's Anders W Jonsson was clear in its criticism.

"We are unhappy with the wording on tobacco" said Anders W Jonsson. "Let me be the first to say that snus is definitely not a health product, but it is fortified with a number of serious consequences. And of course we should do everything we can to prevent young people from taking up snus. But comparing snus to cigarette smoking, which is one of the biggest public health threats we have, causing illness and death like few other things do, is completely misguided. So it's not surprising that 6 out of 8 parties are voting no"

Calls for an investigation into the damage

According to the centre-right parties, with the exception of the Liberals, an ANDTS strategy should primarily address the harm caused by cigarette smoking, not tobacco or nicotine. The government, on the other hand, wants to prevent all forms of tobacco and nicotine use.

"Although all products in the scope of the ANDTS strategy are harmful to health, it is important to clarify scientifically proven differences in the harmful effects of these products." said Per Ramhorn (sd) "It is therefore gratifying that the Social Affairs Committee has now tabled a proposal for a declaration on a new overall objective. This takes into account the various harmful effects that different tobacco and nicotine products can cause. And hopefully this can lead to a more serious policy in this area. Based on evidence, taking into account the different phase effects of tobacco products and also based on scientific risk assessments."

Serious consequences of discouraging all nicotine

Johan Hultberg (m) said that a hard line against all nicotine products could have serious consequences for public health.

"Even if it is true that nicotine is also harmful to health, it cannot be ignored that there is a big difference between the harmful effects of smoking tobacco and, for example, snus or nicotine tablets. If an established smoker manages to quit with the help of snus, for example, there are still major health benefits. It is therefore unreasonable to regulate all products in the same way and the overall objective of tobacco policy should be to reduce harm." Johan Hultberg.

The Green Party Nicklas Attefjord however, supported the government's proposal.

"I think most people who want to quit smoking don't want to trade one addiction for another," he said in a repartee with Johan Hultberg.

L emphasizes dependence but votes no

The government also received support from the Liberals on tobacco policy. In particular regarding nicotine products.

"We want the word 'tobacco' to be replaced by 'nicotine' in the strategy. Of course there is a difference between the products when it comes to lung cancer. But those who become addicted are never free. Snus also causes vascular changes and is not harmless. We don't know what happens to the children of pregnant women who use snus, for example. Barbro Westerholm (L), who at the same time rejected the government's proposal because of unclear drug policy objectives.

Drug policy comes under heavy criticism

Apart from the issue of tobacco and nicotine, it was the government's reluctance to investigate Swedish drug policy which was in focus. Several bodies, including the Public Health Agency of Sweden and the Social Affairs Committee, have called for a proper review of how the Swedish model works in practice. All parties except the Social Democrats were in agreement. Karin Rågsjö (v) believes that the government must investigate the consequences of drug policy, including the criminalization of drug use. Something that has not been done for over 30 years.

"More people die from drugs in Sweden than in other countries, even if the use is small. That is not ok. We believe that an ANDTS strategy must be based on evidence and modern methods to counteract drug mortality. We demand an investigation first. Therefore we say no." said Karin Rågsjö.

Flavor ban out for consultation

The government's new ANDTS strategy will now be revised before it is taken up again in parliament. It is not yet clear when this will happen. The government's original proposal also contained wording on flavor ban in e-liquid. According to a government investigation, all flavors of e-cigarettes, except tobacco, should be banned from sale in Sweden by 2022. But the question of flavor ban in e-liquid is separate from the ANDTS strategy and is still out for consultation. It may not become a concrete proposal for Parliament until the fall. As Vejpkollen previously reported several of the parliamentary parties are in favor of a taste ban


Watch the full debate on the new ANDTS strategy here!

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