Social Affairs Committee halts government plans for e-cigarettes

The Social Affairs Committee halts government plans to discourage tobacco-free nicotine products. The committee is now calling for a government inquiry to clarify the differences in harmful effects between cigarettes, e-cigarettes and snus.

The government's strategy on alcohol, drugs, tobacco and gambling (ANDTS) was due to be voted on next week, following a debate in Parliament. The strategy would be the framework for policy and funding for various organizations working on prevention issues related to alcohol, drugs, doping, tobacco and gambling. The strategy would be valid for five years, 2021 to 2025.

Want to investigate e-cigs and snus

The new ANDTS strategy differs from previous frameworks by also including measures against gambling addiction and the use of smokeless nicotine products (such as e-cigarettes and snus). At the same time, the Government wants all nicotine products, except pharmaceuticals, to be considered equally harmful to health. This applies to snus, nicotine pouches, e-cigarettes and traditional cigarettes. This, among other things, has aroused strong opposition among parliamentary parties. 

"The committee believes that the National Board of Health and Welfare should be tasked with clarifying the differences in the harmful effects of ANDT products that have been scientifically demonstrated - among other things, to provide a basis for legislation in the area. This may, for example, apply to differences in the degree of harm caused by different nicotine and tobacco products such as snus and cigarettes." the committee writes in its statement.

Need to change strategy

The Social Affairs Committee is the preparatory body of the Riksdag and its opinion carries weight. The government will probably have to back down on several points if the strategy is to become a reality. However, it remains to be seen whether the government will back down on the point of including snus and e-cigarettes in the same category as cigarettes. The Moderates, the Christian Democrats and the Center want to set up an investigation to clarify the risks of harm between the products in question. Four parties - the Social Democrats, the Liberals, the Greens and the Left - have entered reservations against this part of the proposal. 

Reducing the risks of nicotine addiction

Both snus and e-cigarettes are significantly less harmful than cigarettes, according to several scientific assessments, including the UK Department of Health. Moreover, these products are often used by smokers to quit smoking. As it is the burning of tobacco that produces the majority of harmful substances in cigarette smoke, smokers can radically reduce the risks associated with their nicotine use by switching to smokeless alternatives, according to Public Health England.

"Health benefits if smokers switch to smoke-free alternatives"

Compared to other EU countries, Sweden has a low death rate from smoking. This is particularly true for men, a group where the proportion of smokers has fallen sharply in recent years, but where around 20% use snus. For women in the same age group, where smoking is more common than snus, more people die from smoking-related diseasesr. Actively discouraging products like snus and e-cigarettes would have public health consequences, says Johan Hultberg, member for the Moderates in the Social Affairs Committee.

"We have radically lower smoking rates in Sweden compared to other EU countries. This is directly linked to snus. There is a group left that smokes and it is a smaller step for them to switch to e-cigarettes than to snus. So there is clearly a potential health benefit in people quitting tobacco and switching to other alternatives." Johan Hultberg (m) to Vejpkollen earlier this spring.

"The government proposal is too bad"

Both Johan Hultberg (m) and Pia Steensland (kd) say that the government has received a lot of criticism for the way it has handled these issues. And that Sweden now lacks clear goals to reduce harmful abuse in the country.

"The government's proposal is simply too bad and we cannot accept it. To let a bad strategy through just to get a strategy would be a betrayal of all children who are hurt and grow up in abuse. Or all other people who are harmed by their own or other addictions," said Pia Steensland (kd) to Svenska Dagbladet.

Unclear about e-cig flavor ban

While the government's ANDTS strategy seems to be failing in parliament, the government's proposal to banning flavorings in e-liquid out for consultation. Responses to the consultation must be submitted by September 1. It is currently unclear whether a change in the ANDTS strategy will affect a possible taste ban for e-cigarettes.
The ANDTS strategy will be debated in Parliament on June 14.

Sources for this article:

Social Affairs Committee proposes no to the government's ANDTS strategy

Government drug strategy halted

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Government wants to ban flavors in e-liquid

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