EU wants to further restrict e-cigarettes

Restricting the use of e-cigarettes is part of the EU's new plan to fight cancer in Europe, according to leaked media reports.
"They choose to go completely against all scientific evidence" says the organization ETHRA.

The EU's new plan to tackle cancer in Member States will be published in early February. However, details of what is included in the plan have already been leaked. One of the main goals is to reduce the number of smokers from the current 20% to 5% by 2040. According to the Commission, smoking causes 90% of lung cancer cases, so limiting smoking in the region is a priority. In addition to cigarettes, the Commission also wants to limit the alternatives to cigarettes: e-cigarettes and other nicotine products.

Should focus on harm reduction

Several researchers and commentators have called on the Commission to promote the development of less harmful alternatives, such as snus and e-cigarettes. These tobacco harm reduction methods would reduce cancer risks while allowing smokers to retain nicotine, say many experts in the field.

"Some ways of ingesting nicotine are more dangerous than others, we know that, and not all ways of using tobacco are life-threatening. I want the Commission to take on board what tobacco harm reduction means. They should provide information to smokers to let them know that snus and e-cigarettes are less harmful alternatives to cigarettes"
It says Anders Milton, Swedish doctor and former President of the Swedish Medical Association, to Vejpkollen.

E-cigarettes and snus do not shorten life

In the context of a opinion piece in Eureporter magazine highlighted Anders Milton According to Anders Milton, the European Commission can help reduce cancer by, for example, making e-cigarettes more attractive by steering pricing in a positive direction. He also mentions that Swedish snus as a proven option to reduce the harm of cigarette smoking.

"In Sweden, far fewer nicotine users die from tobacco-related diseases than in other countries. We are a shining example in the world and Europe. Snus is not a health food, but it does not shorten life. And if smokers switch to e-cigarettes, according to the British Royal College of Physicians, this means that the risks of various diseases are reduced by 95%" says Anders Milton.

Want to limit the use of e-cigarettes

But according to the leaked data, the Commission is now moving in the opposite direction. According to the newspapers Euractive and Politico the Commission wants to make e-cigarettes instead less attractive. This will be done, among other things, through common taxes, as well as a comprehensive ban on vejpa in public places. Restrictions on flavors will also be on the agenda, according to Vaporound magazine

"If the data is correct, it is very worrying. It suggests that the Commission is ignoring all the scientific evidence on harm reduction and at the same time ignoring all the European consumers who have quit smoking with the help of e-cigarettes," said a spokesperson from the consumer organization ETHRA, European Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates to Vejpkollen.

38,000 vejpers responded to the survey

According to a major study In 2020, between 20% and 80% of the EU's smoking population use e-cigarettes, either daily or occasionally. Among the former smoker between 7 and 15 percent use e-cigarettes.

In the fall, ETHRA also conducted a questionnaire survey among e-cigarette and/or snus users in the European Union. 38,000 users answered questions about flavors, availability and what makes alternative nicotine products work to keep them away from traditional cigarettes. The results have not yet been compiled. 

Will fight the Commission

According to ETHRA, the planned measures to restrict e-cigarettes are a direct blow to both smokers and e-cigarette users. Weighing is a way out of tobacco, says ETHRA.

"Thousands of consumers have commented on this issue in the run-up to the Commission's new plan to fight cancer. If the Commission chooses to go down this path, we have no choice but to fight the proposal at every opportunity" says ETHRA to Vejpkollen.

The European Commission is reportedly due to publish its first draft of the new plan to fight cancer in the middle of the week.

Sources for this article:

Commission envisages tobacco-free Europe by 2040 in leaked cancer plan

Commission Cancer Plan eyes drastic cuts in tobacco use by 2040

Leaked European Commission Proposal Puts Vaping Under Threat

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