Researchers to study long-term effects of vejpning

Major study on how e-cigarettes affect lungs - in non-smokers

Researchers in Italy and the United States are preparing a study to see how vejpning affects the lungs of non-smokers. The researchers are now seeking hundreds of participants from around the world. The study will last six years.

"Almost all studies looking at the health effects of e-cigarettes are based on users who are former smokers. It has been impossible to separate small effects from vejpningen from long-term effects caused by smoking. In this study, we test the hypothesis that e-cigarettes themselves do not cause measurable health effects" the researchers write in a petition.

Long-term effects of e-cigarettes

Riccardo Polosa, an Italian doctor and professor, will lead the study. Polosa has previously published results of a similar study, then limited to a small number of non-smokers in Italy who use e-cigarettes. The results showed that people who had not previously smoked cigarettes regularly also showed no signs of lung damage, even after five years of vejp use.

"At the same time, some lab tests on mice suggest that the vapor from e-cigarettes has the potential to damage the lungs. But it is extremely unclear how this works in real-life conditions." the researchers write.

Not harmless - but less toxic

The study is an important contribution to research on e-cigarettes and their potential health effects, say the researchers. 

"We know that the vapor is not completely harmless, but it contains significantly lower concentrations of toxins than cigarette smoke. This study helps us understand the absolute long-term risks of e-cigarettes. If there are any." write the researchers behind the study.

At the moment, volunteers are being collected from all over the world. In total, 16 countries are represented (not Sweden, yet). But more may be added. You can register for the study via Veritas website


Volunteers needed for large international study of the long-term effect of vaping on lung health

Health impact of E-cigarettes: a prospective 3.5-year study of regular daily users who have never smoked

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