Fighting for e-cigarettes in Europe

ETHRA fights for users' interests in the EU

The conditions for e-cigarettes and vejpning could change drastically in the coming years. Taste restrictions, heavy taxation and outright bans are on the agenda as the EU reviews its directives. But on the frontline is the organization ETHRA, protecting the rights of users to harm-reducing products in the future.

At the same time as World Vape Day will take place the organization ETHRA releases a manifesto to promote vejping and other harm reduction methods in the EU. The aim is to give voice to the millions of former smokers who have now quit with the help of e-cigarettes and snus.

"We represent the users"

Jessica Harding, active in the New Nicotine Alliance UK, is spokesperson for ETHRA

"The EU and WHO are currently planning measures to cut off the supply of all harm reduction products. This is in spite of the significant public health benefits that these products are proven to have. They are doing this without any scientific support and without any consideration for those who use the products to quit smoking. We represent the users. It's a large group in society, which should be hard to ignore." Says Jessica Harding to Vejpkollen.

"Loud speeches do not change anything"

Although several countries have vibrant vejp associations, legislation, both locally and at EU level, has gradually become more comprehensive. And according to ETHRA, it is extremely important that vejpers organize themselves internationally. Especially now, when several countries are considering even tighter restrictions. The Danish taste ban in e-juice and the Swedish taxation are examples of legislation that easily spills over from one country to another. Ultimately, it applies to the whole of the EU.

"Road users are very passionate and vocal on social media. But just reacting to misleading information and other propaganda will unfortunately not lead to any real change." Says Jessica Harding.

"It's important that we have a say"

ETHRA is a lobbying organization, approved to represent snus and e-cigarette users as a group before the EU Directorate for Health and Food. ETHRA is backed by consumer-driven organizations from across Europe.

"We can achieve a lot by working together in Europe, not least when it comes to the upcoming revision of the EU Tobacco Products Directive (TPD), which includes e-cigarettes. Many people may not understand what changes are coming. Or how important it is that we are involved and influence in some way," says Jessica Harding.

Seeking sensible legislation

ETHRA is funded through its local members and does not accept contributions from retailers. But with the help of its manifesto (which you can read in Swedish here), they hope to contribute to more restrictive legislation on e-cigarettes and other harm reduction products in the EU.

"The regulation of e-cigarettes should be sensible. We want regulation that takes into account the benefits of this technology, which has become so important for millions of Europeans. Not to mention the millions of smokers who could quit using the technology in the future" says Jessica Harding to Vejpkollen.

The EU and the approach to e-cigarettes
European Tobacco harm Reduction Association (ETHRA)

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