Smokers at greater risk of coronavirus infection

But quitting smoking helps infection prevention directly

Smoking increases the risk of coronavirus infection. This is according to a new study in The Lancet, which reviewed 78 corona cases in China. According to the study, the likelihood of complications, or death, increases by 14 times, writes Aftonbladet.

"It could be because they had smoking-related diseases from the start, such as COPD. The research is in its infancy, but the warning light is on," says Matz Larsson, chief physician at the cardiopulmonary physiology clinic at Örebro University Hospital to Aftonbladet.

Smoking cessation helps against infection

Vejpkollen has previously reported that smokers are one of the risk groups when it comes to coronavirus. At the same time, evidence shows several studies those who quit smoking improve their health after just a few weeks. This is true regardless of whether they use e-cigarettes or other nicotine products to keep cigarettes away. Also according to cardiologist Matz Larsson, quitting smoking is probably a good way to reduce the risks of coronavirus infection

"I absolutely think so, it has an impact on the whole health. The heart feels better after just a few days of not smoking. And the infection defense should reasonably start to recover" he says to Aftonbladet.

95% safer according to UK authorities

According to the Swedish Public Health Agency, vejpning (e-cigarettes) is not a recommended way to quit smoking. However, in the UK and elsewhere, the same authority states, Public Health of England, that vejpning is 95% less harmful than smoking. And according to Cancer Research UK e-cigarettes in combination with medical support and therapy the most effective way to quit smoking today.

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