Ban on marketing of e-cigarettes criticized

In principle, the marketing of e-cigarettes is prohibited in Sweden. But the Swedish Consumer Agency's interpretation of the law also makes it harder for smokers to find healthier alternatives. This is according to Niklas Linder, chairman of the Swedish trade organization for electronic cigarettes, BELC.

The marketing of e-cigarettes is in principle banned in Sweden. At the same time, several organizations regularly accuse companies in the industry of attracting new customers through social media campaigns. The industry association for electronic cigarettes, BELC, organizes about ten Swedish companies that sell and produce vejp products and e-liquid in Sweden. And BELC's members are far from being big players who spend millions on marketing. On the contrary, according to Niklas Linder.

"The Swedish e-cigarette industry is independent and has no links to the tobacco industry. There is no agenda to lure young people into nicotine addiction. At the same time, the ability to tell tobacco smokers that there are better alternatives is almost impossible today." says Niklas Linder to Vejpkollen.

Marketing of e-cigarettes

According to the Consumer Agency's interpretation of the law In principle, all marketing of e-cigarettes and nicotine-containing e-liquid is completely prohibited in Sweden. While nicotine-free liquids may be marketed, the law also affects companies' ability to express themselves freely on their websites. Every text and post, including links to research, is assessed on its own merits. A text on the website that, according to the Swedish Consumer Agency's assessment, aims to promote sales on the website may therefore be illegal. And Niklas Linder believes that the Consumer Agency goes too far in its interpretation of the law.

"Their definition of marketing is that companies don't even should speak studies or reports, if these give the impression that e-cigarettes may be healthier than tobacco. Which there is no doubt that they are. It's government censorship and restrictions on citizens' ability to learn more about a healthier alternative" says Niklas Linder

Companies are afraid to speak out

Organizations such as Non Smoking Generation and the Heart and Lung Foundation have recently in several contexts accused players in the e-cigarette market (here in Göteborgs Posten) to mislead their customers. They claim that the companies are deliberately enticing young people to try e-cigarettes. That picture is not correct, says Niklas Linder. But many in the industry do not dare to speak out for fear of reprisals.

"Companies that make billions selling stop-smoking products pay large sums to organizations that at first glance seem impartial. But every day they spread outright facts and lies about e-cigarettes that fly in the face of modern, independent research. We cannot even respond to these claims, with reference to such research, without risking penalties and fines" says Niklas Linder

Isn't there a risk that unregulated, aggressive marketing attracts the 'wrong' customers, such as young people?

"The Swedish industry does not see the proactive efforts to prevent youth nicotine use as a concern. On the contrary, we welcome it. Restricted marketing of nicotine products is an obvious part of why European countries see much lower adoption rates of e-cigarettes among young people. This is compared to countries where marketing is free, like in the US" says Niklas Linder

Photo: Desiree Angrell helps customers in one of Gothenburg's vejpshoppar. Photo: Stefan Mathisson

Sources for this article:

Swedish Consumer Agency guidelines for the marketing of electronic cigarettes

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