Trump backs down on e-cigarettes "Reacted strongly to the protests"

After months of concern, rumors are now leaking that Donald Trump is backing down on banning flavored e-juices in the US. The reason is said to be the up to 100,000 jobs threatened if a ban is enforced.

The intense debate on e-cigarettes in the US took a new turn this morning when White House sources revealed to the Washington Post that Donald Trump has been hesitant to sign the executive order that would ban flavoring in vejp products nationwide.
The pressure from various anti-vape groups has been enormous. The argument has been that young people are being harmed by the products and that the flavors are the cause. Meanwhile, advocates for vejp companies, along with tens of thousands of vejpers around the country, have been protesting loudly through social media, demonstrations and other actions. Under the slogan "We vape, we vote" a few thousand vejpers gathered outside the White House last week.

According to an anonymous source in the Washington Post, Trump was taken aback by the reaction to the announced flavor ban.

"Trump watched demonstrations, read articles and his campaign manager reportedly warned him that the decision would cost him dearly in the upcoming election. Trump didn't know much about e-cigarettes to begin with and is now quite upset with the way the health secretary has handled the issue," says Washington Post

What happens next is unclear. According to the Washington Post, discussions are ongoing to move forward on the issue.

Vaping has long been a hot potato, with federal legislation being delayed and local politicians taking drastic measures to address what anti-vejp lobbyists call a "youth health crisis". Outright bans or attempted bans on flavoring have been frequent in recent months, while e-cigarette sales have dropped dramatically.

After the authorities concluded that the lung diseases linked to e-cigarettes were more about illicit drugs than nicotine and regular e-cigs, several influential commentators and politicians have spoken out in favour of a more sustainable solution to the issue. In a letter to the President, the head of the country's internal security appeals, Ron Johnson, not to deal with e-cigarettes by banning them but by responsible legislation.

"I support legislation that ensures safe products for consumers and sensible measures against young people getting hold of e-cigarettes. But if adults don't have access to these products, we risk that many will return to smoking cigarettes or simply turn to the black market to get them." Ron Johnson in his letter to the President

According to Ron Johnson a flavor ban would bankrupt 10,000 smaller vejpshops across the US.
According to rumors leaked from the White House, one of the proposals being discussed is raising the age to buy all tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, to 21 instead of 18. It is a proposal that is also supported by most major industry associations and anti-vejp groups. However, neither the President nor his advisors have yet commented on the issue.

Read more at Vejpkollen:
Illegal drugs with vitamin E caused lung damage
Scientists: banning e-cigarettes would be a disaster for public health
How a ban on flavors in e-cigarettes would affect Sweden

Vaping and e-cigarettes are a hot topic at the White House

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