P1 Kropp o Själ on E-cigarettes - "Poorly informed"

The roadside shoppers: "The industry is gagged"

Vape in the media. E-cigarettes are in the news right now. In light of several deaths in the US linked to e-cigarettes with illegal THC juices, several media outlets have taken more interest than usual in the health risks of vejpning.
However, industry representatives are rarely involved in the discussions.

The radio program "Body and Soul" followed the trend and broadcast a segment on e-cigarettes on Tuesday. The theme was lung disease in the United States and the fact that young people in the country are increasingly testing and using e-cigarettes. The reporter then visited Swedish youth and a vejpshop in Stockholm.

In the discussion that followed, three Swedish scientists invited to the studio told the listeners that Swedish science has nothing to offer when it comes to vejpning, really.

"We are not keeping up with independent research" said the doctor Magnus Lundbäck, which has conducted studies on e-cigarettes for the Heart and Lung Foundation, among others.

Missing independent research

The statement has received Niklas Sandin, who runs one of Sweden's larger vejpshoppes, Esmokes, to react.

"There are so many independent studies," says Niklas Sandin to Vejpkollen. "If the researchers choose not to include them in their analysis, it may be true that they know nothing. Bissart."

Niklas Sandin points out that Public Health of England has been conducting independent research on e-cigarettes for several years. The authority summarizes its conclusions in an annual report: E-cigarettes - an evidence update. According to the Public Health of England, e-cigarettes are not completely risk-free, but are significantly less harmful than cigarettes. In the UK, doctors are encouraged to support smokers who want to quit using e-cigarettes and vejpning is considered equivalent, if not better, than traditional nicotine medicines.

"One-sided discussion"

Niklas Sandin believes that Swedish Radio is missing important aspects, because they simply did not include a representative of any of the companies that trade in e-cigarettes in Sweden. The discussion becomes one-sided, he says

"Of course, there are some problems with e-cigarettes that we should talk about, I'm the first to agree. But this program, and many like it, very rarely goes into depth about the benefits. The hosts are never informed, but let the guests, who are always anti-vejpning, ramble on as they please. There is no balance. I'd like to see a debate with someone from the Heart and Lung Foundation and anyone who can represent the industry well." says Niklas Sandin

Listening to the program, one can get the impression that companies working with e-cigarettes and vejpning are misleading customers. That there is no evidence to show the health risks of e-cigarettes. What research do you refer to in your shops?

"We refer in particular to the major study conducted by the UK Department of Health. Many of our customers are also aware of the risks of smoking cigarettes and understand that e-cigarettes are risk minimization, not health food. It's not something we try to push on people either. We promote e-cigarettes as an excellent alternative to an incredibly dangerous product, which cigarettes are." says Niklas Sandin

In principle, the law on advertising does not allow e-cigarettes to be advertised in Sweden. What do you do in the industry to be visible in the media?

"Well, as you write, the Consumer Agency has put a spoke in all our media wheels. Hook legs, trap legs, you name it. We can't do much more than communicate with our customers via our social channels such as Instagram, Facebook and via our newsletter. Because the industry is gagged, it's hard for us to reach out, which is probably why the Swedish market is still relatively small." says Niklas Sandin.

"Not relevant to invite the industry"

Vejpkollen has contacted the editors at Body and Soul for a direct comment on the reasoning behind the report on Swedish radio. However, the editors have commented on the issue via Body and Soul Facebook page: 

"We had a report with vejpare in the program, but we are a health program so it did not feel relevant to have the industry included" writes the editors in the comments field.

Listen to the feature here:
Body and Soul on e-cigarettes

3 Comments on “P1 Kropp o Själ om E-cigaretter – ”Dåligt pålästa”

  1. Very good article. It would have been better if an attempt had been made to reach those responsible for body and soul for comment. It would have made the article more professional

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