Over 400 members in one weekend. The association Svenska Vejpare got off to a flying start after word spread on social media. "Now we need to reach the rest of all Swedish users"
The Moderates do not want to ban flavourings in e-liquids. "Conservative regulation that slows down the development of less harmful products" says Johan Hultberg (M).
"If we weigh the risk of young people taking up vejpa against those who want to quit smoking with the help of flavoured e-cigarettes, the young people weigh considerably more," Lena Emilsson (s) told Vejpkollen.
Flavours in e-liquids are important and without them, ex-smokers will fall back to regular cigarettes." So says Thomas Dallmann, a Swedish e-juice manufacturer.
The Danish health authority is accused of hiding information about e-cigarettes ahead of its decision to ban flavours in e-juice. Now criticism is growing from both politicians and companies.