Kanadas regering stryper tillgången till vitt snus

Kanada. Från att landets hälsomyndighet relativt nyss godkänt nikotinpåsar som hjälpmedel att sluta röka – har nu hälsoministern förbjudit försäljning av produkterna, annat än på apotek. Och de får bara smaka mint.

Research: More people are using the highest nicotine strength

More and more vejp users are using the maximum nicotine level allowed. This is according to a new UK study that has been tracking the trend since 2016. The increase has been particularly pronounced among young adults, those who have recently quit smoking...

Vejp shop forced to stop online sales - "Absurd"

Following a decision by the Environmental Protection Agency, Arcane Vape was forced to remove all sales of age-restricted products from its website. The reason was so-called deficiencies in the control of age at delivery.