Inveterate smokers prefer e-cigs to snus and medicines

Among Norwegians who still smoke, e-cigarettes probably have the greatest potential to reduce smoking. Traditional nicotine medicines, on the other hand, are not very popular. This is according to a new study by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.

Large e-cig shop in Gothenburg closes down

The Vejp store Light Your Fire on Hisingen in Gothenburg is closing down. This is now clear after the owners informed the customers via their social media. The reason is high rents and difficulties in finding a new...

Research: "Flavour bans led to increased cigarette sales"

Banning flavours in e-cigarettes increased sales of traditional cigarettes. This is according to a new US study. "The evidence suggests that more young people started buying cigarettes instead of e-cigarettes," says economist Michael Pesko.

Study: Nicotine warnings deter smokers from quitting

STUDY. Nicotine and addiction warnings on e-cigarettes are likely to lead to fewer quit attempts. This is according to a UK study in which smokers and non-smokers responded to alternative messages on e-cigarette packaging.