Why go around the world to defend e-cigarettes?

Freelance journalist John Lund took the pulse of Vejpkollen's editor and founder Stefan Mathisson after his trip to Panama and the WHO Tobacco Convention in February 2024. What really happened down there, how does it affect Sweden ...

The debate on nicotine: "Taste is not harmful"

"Flavour is not harmful. Nicotine, however, is both addictive and harmful. Limiting nicotine levels in nicotine portions is therefore important," said Johan Hultberg (m) in connection with the parliamentary debate on nicotine issues and...

SD: "Introduce harm reduction in tobacco policy"

A better investigation into the relative risks of different nicotine products and a new framework for managing tobacco and nicotine products. This is what the Sweden Democrats are now proposing ahead of the upcoming debate on ANDTS issues in the Social Affairs Committee.