Cracking down on illegal sales to young people

The UK government is investing £3 million to reduce the illegal sale of e-cigarettes to minors. This comes after Health Minister Neil O'Brien recognised that more and more young people are getting hold of disposable vapes,...

Finland: Shops can now sell strong nicotine pouches.

Finland is relaxing the rules on nicotine pouches. This means that tobacco-free high-nicotine snus, a product previously categorised as a medicine, can now be bought in shops and imported by private individuals in...

EU politicians ill-informed about e-cigs and white snus

A growing number of MEPs understand the difference in risk between smoking and smokeless nicotine products. At the same time, they are generally poorly informed about the products. This is according to a survey by Tamarind Intelligence.

Many outraged by SVT's report "It's distorted"

Following SVT's report on young people and vaping, reactions from vaping enthusiasts and business owners have been pouring in on Facebook. "It is better for young people to vape instead of smoking tobacco" writes one...