"I can have a puff now and then if I want, but I can go without cigarettes for months. But the snus - I never want to be without it" Kent Andreasson is one of...
Editorial: More bans, confusing research, incurable drug addiction and a deadly message to smokers. Tobaksfakta's first newsletter of the season doesn't really add anything new. But what does it matter? Scary headlines are...
In cases where expectant mothers are unable to quit nicotine during pregnancy, taping may be a better option than nicotine patches, according to new research from the UK.
Lidingö resident Bengt Wiberg is the weeping snus user who takes on the role of both advocate and consumer at the annual Global Forum on Nicotine in Warsaw. "Snus is all about politics...
The Association of Convenience Stores, which organises convenience stores, petrol stations and other retailers in the UK, is taking action to tackle the increasing use of e-cigarettes by minors.
Smoking rates have decreased faster since e-cigarettes were introduced to the market. And this is especially true among young people. This is according to a statistical study published in the Canadian Journal of Public Health.
Among smokers trying to quit with the help of vaping, as many as 55% were more likely to succeed if they were also given help and advice on choosing flavours for their juices.....
Over half a billion pounds. This is how much the health service would save annually if half of all smokers in the UK switched to e-cigarettes. This is according to a new economic study.
Abolished contributions to the Non Smoking Generation, higher taxes on snus and a generational ban on the purchase of nicotine. These are some of the proposals that the Social Democratic Youth Union (SSU) will consider at its congress in the autumn...
Banning flavours and severely restricting the supply of e-cigarettes. This is what the Norwegian government is proposing. Now users are calling on all of Norway's road users to speak out.