Different 1TP8 laws had an effect on smoking in Australia and New Zealand

Australia and New Zealand have taken diametrically different approaches to the regulation of vejp products. Prohibition and pharmacy sales versus authorised sales in shops. Now a team of researchers from institutions in both countries has compared the approaches and tried to draw conclusions about the impact on cigarette smoking. It turns out that softer rules have led to fewer smokers. 

The study "Do the differing vaping and smoking trends in Australia and New Zealand reflect different regulatory policies?" was recently published in the journal "Addiction". The study compared trends in daily smoking and e-cigarette use among adults and adolescents in Australia and New Zealand between 2016 and 2023, focusing on how different regulatory models for vejp may have affected these trends. Despite similar population structures and tobacco policies, the countries' different approaches to vejpning have led to different trends - with both benefits and challenges.

Two very different strategies

Australia has, as Vejpkollen written about continuously, has taken an extremely restrictive approach, with nicotine products for vejp now only available on prescription from pharmacies. In contrast, New Zealand has introduced a consumer regulated model where vejp is authorised and more readily available.

The results have been that New Zealand has seen a faster decline in daily smoking among adults than Australia. Between 2016 and 2023, the proportion of daily smokers in New Zealand fell from 14.5% to 6.8%. In Australia, the same figure fell from 12.2% to 8.3%.

Vejp is on the rise - especially in New Zealand

At the same time, e-cigarette use increased more in New Zealand than in Australia. In New Zealand, the share of daily vejp users rose from 0.9 per cent to 9.7 per cent, while Australia increased from 0.5 per cent to 3.5 per cent.

The largest reduction in smoking was among young adults - the same group that also had the highest use of e-cigarettes. In New Zealand, there was also a faster decline in smoking among socio-economically disadvantaged groups and the indigenous population (Maori), compared to Australia.

Both Australia and New Zealand saw smoking rates among adolescents fall to very low levels. But New Zealand had markedly higher levels of vejp youth smoking.

Conclusion: Regulation makes a difference

The researchers argue that New Zealand's more permissive approach to vaping can have contributed to a faster reduction in smoking, as well as to reducing social inequalities and smoking among indigenous populations. However, the 'price' to pay may be an increased use of e-cigarettes among young people.

The researchers further argue that the study provides important insights for countries facing decisions on how to regulate vejp - that it is a balancing act between reducing tobacco smoking while protecting young people from taking up nicotine.

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