Umeå University: School staff should not be allowed to use snus during working hours

Pupils in primary and secondary schools will not be allowed to use nicotine during school hours. But the ban should also apply to all teachers and school staff. This is the opinion of Umeå University in its consultation response to the report "A safe childhood without nicotine, alcohol and nitrous oxide".

It was in March that the government inquiry "A safe childhood without nicotine, alcohol and nitrous oxide" was presented to the Minister for Social Affairs, Jacob Forssmed. Some of the proposals in the report were to limiting nicotine levels in nicotine pouches and snus, introduce a ban on distribution of nicotine products and a storage ban similar to that for alcohol. 

"Nicotine-free school hours"

However, the investigator also proposed a fairly far-reaching ban on nicotine use among young people. According to the investigator, Parliament should introduce an outright ban on the use of nicotine by primary and secondary school pupils during school hours. This differs from current practice, where school grounds are covered by the general smoking ban, which also includes e-cigarettes. The nicotine-free school term would mean that pupils, even those who are 18 and can actually buy products such as nicotine pouches, e-cigs and snus, would not even be allowed to put a cigarette under their lips during lessons.

Teachers should not be allowed to use snus

Some respondents, such as The Snus Manufacturers Association and Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions dismisses nicotine-free school hours as counterproductive and difficult to control. However, one of the consultees, Umeå University, says the committee's proposal should be broadened and go even further. The ban should also apply to everyone on school premises, i.e. staff and teachers, says the university.

"It is positive that cigarettes, tobacco snuff and nicotine snuff are all covered by the bill. However, it would have been desirable for school staff to be covered by the bill, not just pupils", writes University in its consultation response.

According to Umeå unverisitet, this is the case in neighbouring Finland and that it would have been desirable in Sweden too.

Fish after flavour ban

Furthermore, Umeå University, through its Faculty of Medicine, says that another of the report's proposals - to ban additives such as vitamins, caffeine and taurine in nicotine products - is positive. But even here they want to go further. According to the authors, the legislation should, in some way, also affect different flavours.

"Clarification is needed, for example, on flavourings in electronic cigarettes and nicotine snus that are fruit, dessert and candy in nature, which can give the impression (especially to children and young people) that they contain vitamins and have reduced health risks," the university writes.

Swedish Parliament voted as late as 2022 no to banning flavourings in e-liquid, arguing that other interventions are sufficient to reduce use among young people.

Follow developments in Vejpkollen

Vejpkollen continuously follows the consultation responses received by the Ministry of Social Affairs regarding the report "A safe childhood without nicotine, alcohol and nitrous oxide". The consultation period ends on 30 August 2024.

7 Comments on “Umeå universitet: Skolpersonal ska inte få snusa på jobbtid

    1. However, we are not talking about universities, but primary and secondary schools. Their own workplace is not affected.

  1. När det gäller ungar som inte är myndiga är en sak, och lite det föräldrar kanske tycker ens ungdommar ska undvika.
    Ett stort NEJ när det kommer till myndiga personer, lärare mm…blanda fasen inte in dom i detta. Lite märkligt att dessa (ursäkta språket) förbannade antitobak lobbyister ska lägga sig i allt. Att VUXET folk ska kunna få bestämma detta själva!? Att nån lärare snusar, blossar e-cigg eller tobak påverkar väl för bövelen inte undervisningen. Löjligt.

  2. Finns många som snusar tobak- och nikotinfri snus, det är grönt the och växtfiber av morot i min ”snus” , får man ha det under läppen?? Vem ska kolla det isåfall?

    1. Ingen kommer att utföra några ”läppkontroller” lika lite som det finns någon SA-patrull som går omkring och kollar så att folk inte vejpar Iqos eller e-cigg på ”fel” ställe utomhus:))

  3. Löjligt, klart att ingen kommer att göra någon ”läppkontroll”, lika lite som att det finns något ”Dampf-Gestapo” som går omkring och kollar så att folk inte vejpar på något ”förbjudet” ställe utomhus:)

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